Friday, June 9, 2017

A Quick Find

So there was a gem faire in town this weekend.
Which happens like every four months or so. lol. 

And of course I had to go!!

Because. Rocks. Rocks. And yes more Rocks!! :D 

And after being down in red rock country and not really buying rocks because Tourist Shops are EXPENSIVE, I was totally ready to go to my local gem faire where prices aren't so crazy and I can get what I want and not be broke (most of the time) at the end of the day. ;) lol. 

In any case.

With Gem Faires I usually have a system I follow.

Where I look at all the different stalls. 
See if there is anything I want at said stall, take pictures of the item I want to remember later, and then continue on my way until I've seen the entire faire.

I then find a quiet corner away from people -so I don't get trampled- 
And go through all my pictures I took of the rocks I wanted,
Decide how much money I would be spending if I bought everything I had wanted originally.
And narrow it down from there. 

Sometimes when I return to the stall of one of the pictured items I end up deciding that I actually don't want the stone in question any more. Or that it's gone, or that if the price wasn't known originally that it's too expensive for my budget. 

In any case.
I slowly narrow down what I want to buy and what I don't want to buy and decide if I want to stay in budget or blow my budget and go rock crazy. lol. (it happens) 

This time around.
I actually stuck pretty close to my preconceived budget.

However, I had a change from my usual routine.
In that when I found a rock bracelet (labradorite) at one of the first stalls I visited, I ended up buying it then and there. (it was like $3) 

That's totally out of my usual. 
I like to wait and come back.
But the bracelet felt really good on my wrist.
And the last gem faire where I'd left a bracelet and tried to find it later...I nearly couldn't find it. :S 

So not wanting it to happen again, I bought the bracelet so I wouldn't have to stress about it not being there when I got back to that table again. 

Well, I suppose it's good to switch things up every now and then. lol. ;) 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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