Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Dirt Mark

Bruises are interesting things.
Mostly because for me...they don't show up until days after I've hit that area.
And by the time I realize the bruise is there....
I literally have no idea how or when or where I got them.

Though most I can assume I got at work because that's where I tend to injure myself and not notice.
Mostly because I'm in a hurry and a slight bang to a limb is quickly forgotten in helping customers and cleaning cages and the like. 

And most of the time I end up with bruises on my legs.
Which...honestly...after nearly five years of working at the pet store you'd think that my legs would become bruise resistant. 
But it seems like at any given time I have at least three bruises visible on my legs. *shakes head* Some in more colorful shades than others, but all sharing the factor of me having no idea where or how or when I got said bruises. lol. 

But there is one bruise that is currently bugging me like crazy.
Because I have no idea how it's even possible for me to have gotten it in it's location....
Alright I have a guess...but it's such a weird spot for a bruise!

And it's an irritating color as well.
You see the bruise is on my left arm, close to the crook of my elbow. 
And it's brown in color.
I mean the first day I saw it I thought it was like a smudge of dirt on my arm. 
Only after trying to clean it off did I realize it was actually a bruise.

But because it's the color of dirt, I still glance at it and think it's dirt and its bugging me like crazy that I can simply wash it off lol. I have to wait for the bruise to go away....and it's already been a week. >.< ugh.... 

In any case. 
The bruise is on my left arm like I said a spot where you don't really bang it against stuff....

I mean, if I end up with bruises on m arms it's usually my right arm because that's the arm that scrubs the fish tanks and I tend to hit it against the edge of the glass while scrubbing. So bruises aren't a surprise.

My left arm?
It doesn't do fish tank scrubbing. Hasn't in like a year and a half now because Yes, my hand/arm is still recovering from that infection/bacterial thing I got two Novembers ago. *exhales* 
-It is nearly to the point where I could start scrubbing, but I'm still being cautious. I don't need it to flare up again.

So with my left arm....I tend to use it more when cleaning cages....but it's not really a bruise worthy excursion....

Except...I do recall one day when I was opening the hamsters, that I reached up and on my tip toes grabbed the water bottles from the top row of cages to refill them and put them back...without using a step stool like I usually do.
So perhaps, my arm ended up getting banged up then....
It's the only thing I can think of....

I hope that bruise goes away soon.
It's rather distracting as it is now....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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