Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Zooming On By

So a little over a year ago, 
We had a truck come to our store. 
And when we opened up the back to get in our shipment of product.
Out of the truck flew three little birds.
Sparrows or something.

Which isn't uncommon because for whatever reason, birds get trapped in those trucks quite often. 
*shakes head* 
And every now and then when we open up the truck....and the birds are inside....
They end up in our store. 

Not usually a big deal because most of the time they figure out how to get out of the store and leave.

Othertimes they don't. 

There was one year like three years back where we ended up with like 10 wild birds flying about our store, and we had to call in a professional crew to come get rid of them as they wouldn't leave. 

...I honestly wonder why we haven't done that yet for this particular batch.

because yes.
A little over a year ago, we had 3 birds end up in our store.
And they're still here.
Flying about, making messes, chirping their heads off. 

I'm pretty sure they didn't leave the store last year because it was freezing cold outside...
and by the time it had warmed up enough and spring had arrived...
The birds had decided that it was rather nice being in the store...
and stuck around.

We managed to catch one like a month or two ago....
Tossed it outside...

And it flew right back in. 

In any case.
It's not normally a big deal to have the birds loose in the store.

What is annoying though is the fact that basically every single day that I've worked....
I've had at least one customer come up to me and go "You have a bird loose in the store!" or some other variation of it. 

To which I've usually responded. "They're wild birds, they came in on our truck." etc etc.

But honestly I'm getting so tired of it.
Like...why does the customer feel the need to point this out?
How is it possible that customers are still pointing it out?
Like after a year you'd think everyone would have noticed the birds in the store and stopped commenting on it.
But no. 
People still keep coming up to me.
To tell me there's a bird loose.


And honestly...while I get that they're just trying to be helpful and let us know.
It's just getting annoying. I mean. If you noticed that there was a bird loose in the store in like the 10-15 minutes that you've been in the store...
Wouldn't it make sense that the workers who are there for 4-8 hours a day 3-5 days a week...would have noticed by now as well?
*shakes head*
It's not that hard to realize that there are birds flying around when they zoom over your head, land on the ground, chirp their heads off....
Like....I know. I KNOW. There are birds here.

For example.
Just today the three birds got into a little tiff and zoomed from above the registers, down the center aisle where I was walking, nearly in front of my face, and then past a customer.
And the customer turned to me and was like "Did you know you have sparrows in here?" 

*rolls eyes* 
No, REALLY? It zoomed down right in front of me and in front of you and  you think I didn't know that?! 
No. I thought they were bats. You're telling me they're sparrows? 


Yah. It is getting to the point where I just want to answer sarcastically. 
It's getting harder to resist it really.

Here's to hoping that maybe this spring the sparrows will just...leave.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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