Saturday, January 20, 2018

An Appearance

My fish tank must have a portal in it. 
It's the only explanation.
A portal that takes my fish to different fishtanks. 
A traveling fish tank portal.
Where fish can just go visit other places.

*shakes head*
So like a month or two ago, I did a post about me finding one of my clown loaches right?
The one that I haven't seen since like...July? Maybe August? Which is now like 6 months ago. 

Like...I know my fish tank is huge, but is it really conceivable that a five inch long fish can disappear without a trace? 
*shakes head*
Because my clown loach did just that. 
Which is crazy because like a had a six inch long pleco that was basically always visible. 
Yet the Clown loach, which is near the same size?
No. It had vanished for 5 straight months.
Without a sign that it was still around.

Sure, I have decorations in my tank that conceivably have enough space within them that fish could hide and hang out.
Obviously, because the clown loach did it. 

So yah. One clown loach hiding and only now becoming visible.
Makes a lot of sense. 

What doesn't make sense.
Is the fact that yesterday.
When I went to feed my fish and turn on the lights. 

I fed the fish, was looking around just to checking in on the fish, making sure they're alright and of course looking for that clown loach to see if he's going to be visible again. 
-Because the clown loach does still vanish for a few days at a time. But is still more visible than he's been before.

I looked into my tank, spotted one clown loach swimming...
And then all of a sudden out of nowhere swims a SECOND CLOWN LOACH.

FOR SIX MONTHS. I thought both clown loaches had died. 
And then a month or two ago, I discovered that one was still alive.

*shakes head*
Seriously, Not one, but TWO of my clown loaches survived?

And the fact that blows my mind.
Is that I haven't seen the second one.
Or if I have seen the second one.
I didn't realize it.

Because before that moment I'd never seen BOTH OF THEM TOGETHER!!

How could two large fish hide in my tank for so long and not give away the fact that there were two of them?!

I honestly don't know.
I really don't know why the both decided to appear in the first place. 
Why now? Why this moment? What changed to have both these fish suddenly appear??

*shakes head*
I don't know. 

Okay...I have a theory.

For a long while I've had ten angelfish in my tank. 
But I'm now down to six....
And it was probably around the same point that I went down to six angelfish that I first saw the first clown loach.
And while I haven't lost any angelfish recently, 
Perhaps some other small changes in the tank,
Like the newer pleco randomly dying...

Has convinced the second clown loach to come out of hiding.
He's definitely not been eating as much as the other one, because he's smaller and lighter colored.
But I think with a slight change in tank dynamics, both have now felt secure enough to come out and start being more visible.

We'll see how long that lasts.
But at least the clown loaches have a buddy to hang out with. ^^;;; 

Yay for suddenly appearing fish. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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