Sunday, January 21, 2018

Needing More Space

Do you ever get into those moods where you just....don't want to people?

Yah. Kinda in a really strong wave of that right now.
Where I just don't want to go and do or be anywhere. 

>.< And it always happens, this wave of  'i just want to live up in the mountains and be a hermit and not talk to anyone.' 

When suddenly everyone in the world wants to do things.
Like, I'm good with doing one social thingy every two or three weeks. 
Seriously, I don't have the social battery to do multiple meetups with visiting teachers, committees, friends, family, and whoever else decides to randomly pop out from the blue.

But guess what happens?
Exactly that. 
Suddenly everyone wants to do something.
"Hey can we meet up Monday, can we do something Tuesday, Saturday are you okay to do this? Sunday can we go visiting teaching? Thursday can we met up?" 

Just No.
GO away. 
Leave me alone.

I can't do it right now.
I can't be social.
Especially because I'm a strong introvert. 
Being social drains me.
It stresses me out.
Because there's very little 'reward' in it for me.

Like at least with work and being social there, I get the rewards of feeling like I'm accomplishing something. I'm helping customers, I'm there to 'rescue' them when they come searching for a solution to their problem. It's really rewarding to do that and it helps me get through the day. 

But other things? Not so much.
I feel like I'm putting myself out there...for nothing. 
Especially in like going to FHE, or to a meeting or something.
There's very little...that makes me feel....good. 
It just stresses me out. 
And at this point.
It seems like stress is coming at me from every direction in my life.
To add more to it.
Seems counterproductive.
Why stress myself out more?

*exhales* I do end up doing it on occasion. Doing these social things that stress me out. 
And what happens? 
Usually a headache. 

Still I do them, hoping for a better result.

Right now though.
I'm pretty much going to withdraw from things. 
Until I can get a handle on most of the stresses in my life.
And see how it goes from there. 

*fingers crossed*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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