Saturday, January 6, 2024

In This Weather?

 It's been snowing off and on this past week. 

Which I'm rather mixed feelings about.

Usually I love the snow. And with the absolutely winterless winter we've been having here. (No white Christmas, how disappointing) I've been looking forward to finally having snow on the ground even if it's falling after December. 


That was before my car broke down. 

Which I suppose it's good that we didn't have a wintery winter because who knows if that would have...well made things more problematic on my end driving in the snow.

In any case. My car ended up having weird steering issues Christmas Night. On the literal home stretch before I got home from spending the day from family.

And what should have just been a weird alignment issue turned into both CV Axels needing to be replaced. 

Which ouch.

Glad those didn't fully break apart on the freeway or something but oof. I feel like I dodged a bullet there by near centimeters. I was afraid one of the wheels was going to fall off moving it from one mechanic place (that was $$$ to fix my car) to a different mechanic place (that's $$ to fix my car) 

In any case.

Thankfully, I have wonderful family who were willing to let me borrow their car until mine can get fixed. (Sometime next week is the timeline.) 

But that means I'm driving a car that I...well I'd only driven once before a couple of years ago.

And that was in GOOD weather.

And thankfully for the first little while of borrowing this car, we've had good weather here. It's been cold. But no storms to worry about driving in.

Of course that changed this week with actual snow falling here in the valley. 

And that....that was concerning.

Because I'm used to a car that can switch into 4WD if needed. But the car I'm borrowing? Doesn't have that. It's just front wheel drive.

So understandably I've been nervous this entire week about getting stuck on snow/ice slick roads.

Hasn't happened yet *knock on wood* But the past couple of days of snow have had the roads turning...rather icy.

But it's definitely made me miss my car. Like I'm cautious in bad weather regardless. But I do miss that extra insurance of 4WD helping me out if the roads get worse. 

*fingers crossed* that the snow fall remains light enough here in the valley until I can get my car back.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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