Monday, January 21, 2013

April 1993 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

Thomas S. Monson -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Ted E. Davis -The Church Audit Committee Report

F. Michael Watson -Statistical Report 1992
  • Total Membership -8,406,895
David B. Haight -Personal Temple Worship
  • "The Temple is built ... of earthly materials to construct a place that inspires heavenly awe. This Mormon Temple uses sweeping architecture to create a space that invokes the celestial heavens that is awesome." He continued, "We thank them for reminding us how holy a place a mere building can be."
  • But even more majestic than the temple itself is the vision of the purpose of temples which guided the builders. That purpose is to redeem all mankind who are obedient to the laws and commandments of God.
  • First: The Lord never asks the impossible. Often the difficult, but never the impossible.
  • I suggest patience. Give the Lord time. Have faith that in His due time, all of the information you need will become available.
  • Second: Begin where you are. Take one step at a time.
  • Third: don't try to do everything at once.
  • It is important that you do something.
  • Regular temple attendance is one of the simplest ways you can bless those who are waiting tin the spirit world. If you live near a temple, partake of the opportunity to go often and regularly.
  • I believe that when you diligently seek after your ancestors--in faith--needed information will come to you, even when no mortal records of their lives are available.
John M. Madsen -Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God
  • All who know and understand the glorious work of redemption wrought by the Lord Jesus Christ and all who know of his majesty and power and promises understand why they are to be of good cheer. They who have come to know him do not fear! They look unto him in "every thought." They "doubt not," and they "fear not." They know that he, the Lord Jesus Christ, is with them and that he will stand by them!
  • "Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you."
  • "O ye my servants ... , be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you."
V. Dallas Merrell -Power of the Church Rooted in Christ
  • Joseph Smith and Mormonism, he [Professor Bloom] says, have contributed to the world "a more human God and a more divine man." Bloom says, "I also do not ... doubt that Joseph Smith was an authentic prophet. Where in all American history can we find his match?" "Nothing else in all of American history strikes me as ... equal to the early Mormons, to Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Parley and Orson Pratt, and the men and women who were their followers and friends."
  • First, the power of the Church is based on divine authority.
  • Those in authority have no question about whose work this is and for whom we labor.
  • Secondly, immense power comes from our divinely mandated purpose.
  • Third, the power of the Church is also related to its essential work.
  • Fourth, we are empowered by faithful Latter-day Saints who are disciples of Jesus Christ, not just members of the Church.
  • Finally, the source of the Church's power involves continuous improvement.
  • This is the ongoing work of the Almighty. This is not the church of Joseph Smith. It is The Church of Jesus Christ. It is the only organization in all the world that will not fail.
  • [they] are firm and steadfast, full of love and good works.
David E. Sorensen -Prayer
  • Prayer is indispensable.
  • Once we have tasted of His goodness, Christ encourages us to pray often--in secret, in our families, in our churches, and in our hearts, continually asking specifically for the things which we need.
  • "there is something in the very posture of kneeling that contradicts the attitudes described by Paul; 'proud ... heady, high minded.' ...
  • "There is something in the ct of addressing Deity that offsets a tendency toward blasphemy and toward becoming lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.
  • "The inclination to be unholy, as Paul described it to be unthankful, is erased as together family members thank the Lord for life and peace and all they have."
Richard G. Scott -The Power of Correct Principles
  • You and I can be assured of reaching worthy objectives in life by understanding and consistently following correct principles rooted in revealed truth.
  • Principles are anchors of safety. They are like the steel anchors a mountaineer uses to conquer otherwise impossible cliffs. They will help you have confidence in new and unfamiliar circumstances. They will provide you protection in life's storms of adversity.
  • "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
  • "Mom, you're my best friend--next to Jesus."
  • While it is difficult now, as he continues his resolve to be righteous, he will become a powerfully strong husband, father, and leader.
  • One of the finest young men I have known. He is a natural leader, gifted, intelligent, and multitalented, with whom people feel comfortable.
  • He is honest and true, bright, well organized, and a hard worker. He handles challenges as if the Lord were speaking in his ear."
  • Dedicated, and knows where she is going. She comes from a strong home where gospel-centered ideals and values were successfully transferred to her. During her entire life she has been an outstanding example of service and righteous living."
  • Some of you have children that do not respond to you, choosing entirely different paths. Father in Heaven has repeatedly had that same experience. While some of His children have used His gift of agency to make choices against His counsel, He continues to love them. Yet, I am sure, He has never blamed Himself for their unwise choices.
James E. Faust -Father, Come Home
  • The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.
  • Much of the crime and many of the behavioral disorders in the United States come from homes where the father has abandoned the children.
  • We need to honor the position of the father as the primary provider for physical and spiritual support.
  • "Interestingly, fatherly involvement produces stronger sexual identity and character in both boys and girls. It is well established that the masculinity of sons and the femininity of daughters are each greater when fathers are active in family life."
  • I urge the husbands and fathers of this Church to be the kind of a man  your wife would not want to be without. I urge the sisters of this Church to be patient, loving, and understanding with their husbands. Those who enter into marriage should be fully prepared to establish their marriage as the first priority in their lives.
  • Confusion and disorder are all too common in society, but they must not be permitted to destroy our homes.
  • I plead with you, Fathers, come home.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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