Saturday, December 20, 2014


They cut down the tree outside of my window yesterday.
A huge thing, towering over the apartment.
And's gone. :(

It's always depressing when a tree is cut down,
Especially when it's because of something it was doing to survive.
Like -rumored- in this case, that it was spreading it's roots out....
and said roots were breaking pipes, making it difficult for water to be available in the apartments.

It's weird now.
As the tree was the view from both kitchen and my bedroom.
Both areas seem a bit brighter now, since the tree isn't casting shade anymore.
I don't think it helps my room too much, in being brighter, but I've only experienced it the I'm not sure...

Yet, cutting down the tree, reminded me of when I was younger.
Where when we drove up to my Grandma Retrun's home,
We would go hiking through the trees,
looking for the perfect pine tree to cut down.
To be our Christmas Tree that year.

It was something I took very seriously.
-To my family's dismay more often or not. lol.
I wanted to find the most perfect tree ever for our home.
While everyone else just wanted to find one and be done with it.

There are many memories associated with going to find the tree.
The smell of the woods,
The deepness of the snow.
The saw carried in my dad's hand.
Holding onto my mom as we wandered looking,
the snow that would get piled into our shoes, leaving our feet freezing cold,

But always, that fun moment of cutting down our tree and bringing it triumphantly home. ^^
Plus, getting oh so cozy and warm in the car again was a definite bonus. lol.

Yes, trees can provide good cheer, however they come, be it in the yard, in the home, or in the fireplace keeping us warm. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was on a mission to steal something important, trying to gather all the pieces of it so I could present it to someone in order to achieve what I wanted to achieve. It involved following very specific patterns on the floor, doing crazy tasks, and just as I was about to reach the end, a group of girls (my sister and her roommates) took the stuff away from me and headed back to the beginning of everything to put it back! It was frustrating and I was racing to try and get to them before they reached the beginning, and ended up in the apartment complex, trying to find food to help with a big gathering....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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