Sunday, August 30, 2015

On the Overload

O.o Wow.
It's been a long while since my Single's Ward has gone over the time frame.
A Long. Long While.
I mean, it's almost expected when the Stake President speaks...
But today, it was just normal people from the ward.

They were being all super spiritual.
Which is great.
I love super spiritual.
It makes you really want to pay attention, really makes you want to listen...

But I felt like we were overloaded with it.
Like a tsunami of spiritualness just overwhelmed us.
Because honestly.
They were like....too spiritual.

The first speaker spoke for like 20 minutes, in a voice that reminded me of a person giving a talk in the movie the Single's Ward. Where they're really empathetic. Really striving to show the conviction but spiritualness in their voice. But also gave like hard hitting truths and just seemed to pound into your brain.

Honestly, all three speakers were long winded.
Even the prayers were long winded.

Again, it's not a bad thing.
Just a bit overwhelming when one isn't used to such a thing.
*shakes head*

lol. It definitely marks a change in the ward though.
I think all the new people that moved in are going to be good for us.
It's definitely looking out to be a different dynamic.
Hopefully one that I can get more into this year, and make more friends.

We'll see though. :)
Still...interesting to have such a spiritual overload....still trying to comprehend it really. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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