Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Day In Review -October 6th

Wow...five days of long posts. Conferences and Days in Reviews. O.o Who would have thought I'd manage to get that all in a row... lol. Don't worry, its not a new habit, just how the cards fell this particular 5 day period. lol :)

Monday, October 6th 2008

- Had a long day at school today. Good news I'm basically done with my Plaster Cat (we had a block of plaster we had to carve into a shape, I chose a cat.) I just need to seal it. Brought home my clay cat (the model to base the plaster off of) because I didn't want it destroyed (and it looks a hundred times better than the plaster one.) I decided to ride the bus home today, it was 30 minutes late. For FHE we went to Scott's house (friend in the ward.) It's huge!! A mansion. And we went swimming. I didn't want to change into my swimsuit, I just jumped into the pool in my clothes. Now I'm heading down to Brad's (friend in the ward.) to watch Phantom of the Opera with them and Ali.

Tuesday, October 6th 2009

-Today was a typical school day. In V&D we hummed all class long. Philosophy n I chatted with Shawn about books and to Mike as Well. Biology had a quiz. Girl next to me annoyed me. ASL and History were normal. Oh! A girl I didn't know gave me a ride to school, she was from the same apt complex as me. But she was weird and dropped me off in the middle of the road....Weird. Luckily I wasn't hit. Road the bus home with Kristin and made tortellini. I emailed Mom my Christmas list. O.o So early to ask for that. I came home and did my "Ghost" thing again. 3 boys and 7 girls came!  (I would leave cryptic notes directing people to come get candy at my apt and wait in costume for them to come and give them candy.)

Wednesday, October 6th 2010

-Today was a pretty dull day compared to yesterday. (went to a dance and managed to impress the boy.) And right now I'm kind of frustrated because I wrote a story and I can't find it anywhere! Gah! Now I'm going to be bugged all night. To try and find it. Classes went well. Played the piano in Institute and LI and CI went as normal. Came home to make chili and read.

Thursday, October 6th 2011

- I've been blessed today. :) Yesterday I made the decision to take my Philosophy test today and pay the $3 fee. (you had 3 days to take the test but the third day you had to pay a fee to take the test.) Because I wasn't ready yesterday due to Institute committee meetings...well today, I almost got some bad news. I was waiting outside an advisor's office to see if I needed to Apply for Graduation yet -not til Feb- when the Philosophy class president walked by and asked if I'd taken the test yet. -He's in my class- I said no, and he said that the test needed to be done by 1pm today. And that was in like an hour! O.o But then he said that the teacher had extended the testing day until Friday and if I talk to the teacher I would be fine. So calm/panic. When I talked to the teacher I got calmed again because she would still let me take the test. I also found comfort because the President said that if I knew the terms I was good to go. That I shouldn't study anymore. I did a little more but stopped studying since I was giving myself a headache anyways and the guy said the test wasn't that hard. The real blessing however was that since the test was extended to tomorrow I didn't have to pay the fee to take it today!! YES!! The cost day was now Friday! So after classes I was blessed to be inspired to know what to write. Hopefully I didn't miss the mark too badly. @ hours later and I was done (8:15pm) I went to Institute and watched the end of The Other Side of Heaven movie that the service committee was doing and to see if I could find a ride home since it was dark and Kikay had the car at work. I ended up finding Beth and walked home with her to our apt complex.

Saturday, October 6th 2012

-I guess you could call today a historic day as in the Saturday Morning session of Conference, President Monson announced that the mission ages of boys and girls had been lowered to 18 & 19. So If the guy is worthy and has graduated High School....he can go on a mission! Crazy! My friends Jess and Tay are going to be considered 'old' now on the missions with the girls age lowering as well. It's going to be interesting to see if the social/dating scene changes with these age changes. After Conference Mother Dearest, Kikay and I had a girls night during the priesthood session where we went to Barnes and Noble to get books. After I hung out with Tay and saw the Bourne Legacy again in theatres because she hadn't seen it.

Sunday, October 6th 2013

- >.< I had to work through all four sessions of conference and play catch up after they'd aired. :( Wasn't happy about that at all. I nearly lost a snake at work today, it climbed out of its tote when I wasn't looking, but I found it! Also found out that our Pet Trainer who's been covering shifts in our dept isn't supposed to handle anything but Fish and Crickets because she's not certified to handle the other animals. O.o Why....manager...why place an unqualified person in our department?! That made closing difficult as I left 2 hours before close...luckily Reth was there to help out. I dropped by Kikay's to watch Once Upon a Time and yah...that was basically it.

Monday, October 6th 2014

-I had an AM shift today. Not used to those anymore though its possible that I may be returning to more AM shifts. Why? Because one of my coworkers is pregnant and can't work with some of the animals (cats w/ litter. Guinea pigs w/ bedding. For health concerns etc.) Which means she can't be doing the morning shifts anymore. (where all the cleaning takes place.) So that means she'll either come in on later shifts, or the second person in will need to do the cats. Who knows. Work went well, thought he last half hour I totally hit a wall. (as in a got super tired.) The wall where I know I've been awake too long on too little sleep and I'm getting a headache and not feeling well. So I basically drove home and crashed. Spent the rest of the evening suffering from the headache that got worse if I moved about. So I ended up dozing and lying very still. Kikay randomly came over to give me Cookies and Crème chocolate. :D That was super sweet of her!

Tuesday, October 6th 2015

-This morning I switched things up at work by having my second opener do the Bedding Changes while I worked on opening the rest of the department. We got everything done by 11:30ish besides Crickets. Which took me a bit because I had to spend time counting to make sure that our shipment numbers were what they said they were. I dropped by Barnes and Noble after work and encountered a customer that usually frequents my work...had a chat with him for a bit. It lasted a bit long for me as I was anxious to check out a couple of books. Brandon Sanderson's newest book, and an unexpected book of Stephanie Meyer's Life and Death. Which is Twilight...but Gender Swapped. I couldn't resist the curiosity and bought it. I spent a couple hours reading it at home -after struggling to get into my apt as the complex finally changed out the locks. O.o So weird. I went to the Payson Temple with my roommate her fiancée and her home teacher to do baptisms for the dead. It was...good, though kinda tense for me because her Home Teacher's presence is a bit like nails on a chalkboard to me so it was hard to be at ease, but I loved doing the baptisms and it helped a lot. ^^ Came home and read more of the Life and Death book. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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