Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Man Made Filtration

If I've learned anything working at a Pet Store...it's that people can ask the oddest questions and say the strangest things

And some of those questions and statements people say....often have me wondering....well....wondering if they missed a day in school or were distracted and not paying attention in the first place....or if it was just information deemed not necessary for them to remember after a certain point.

*shakes head*

In any case.

Today I had a customer come into the store who wanted to buy a fish.
And was pretty set on finding a fish that would live in a bowl.

She had a difficult time comprehending that not all fish could live in stagnant water. Even though I told her multiple times that they couldn't. That they needed a filter.

And the reason for her confusion soon became clear.
When she exclaimed to me. "BUT THE OCEAN DOESN'T HAVE A FILTER!!"

I... I literally had no words for a moment.

Because it was the most...well...I had never heard that statement before. People do bring up the ocean on occasion. Usually if they're asking where the fish in our store come from, or if we carry salt water, or stuff like that.

But in relation to filtration?
Yah. I've never had that question.

And it threw me for a loop.

Because yes. The ocean doesn't have a filter...
Not in the traditional man made sense.
It's not like we have these giant machines out in the middle churning the water, and using bags of carbon and such to filter out all the toxins and such.

It wasn't like man invented filtration....we just invented devices to help us mimic filtration.

Lucky me her friend came to my rescue.
"Of course it does! The tides! You know with the moon!" She stated.
Which I'd been about to state as well as my brain kicked back into gear, as I worked my way to an answer.

Because yes.
The tides would help move the water which keeps it from getting stagnant.
Plus the rain and streams/rivers flowing into the ocean would also create movement.
Evaporation would possibly help filter out certain chemicals and such.
While bacteria, and water sifting through gravel and such would also help filter said water.

Of course.
In the surprise of the moment, I wasn't nearly so eloquent. I never am. lol.
But I think I got the point across.
That yes, the ocean has filtration, just not how you'd think of it.
-I mean...didn't everyone learn about the evaporation cycle in school? Even if they didn't.... I'm sure Magic School Bus had an episode on it on TV if that day was missed.... *shakes head*

I dunno.

Lol but it was such the random statement.
It had me and my coworkers chuckling for the rest of the day.

The ocean doesn't have a filter..... *shakes head*

Now all I can picture is a giant filter machine in the middle of the ocean....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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