Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Word

I don't know if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

But it was one of those days where I was feeling very anti-people.
Like. I really would have rather not gone to work and have to deal with people. 
Having to converse. Pretend to be happy. Pretend to care about what others had to say.

Yah. Wasn't feeling it.

Kinda been feeling that way all week with work and customers.

I just really wanted to be by myself and not have to interact at all.

Not the best frame of mind while heading into work.
That's for sure. lol.

And I was on a mission.
To avoid talking to people as much as possible. 
Because I didn't want to deal with them today.

But then....
My coworker randomly stopped and complimented me.

And it was crazy how my mood went from grumpy grumpy.
To happy positive.
It seriously was a split second change.

My whole mood changed.
The out look got brighter.

And while I still had to deal with customers that agh...I didn't want to deal with.
My overall mood had improved muchly.

A simple compliment had spun me out of my mental downward spiral.
And brought me soaring back up into being positive and happy and able to better handle the day. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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