Friday, November 17, 2017

Tiny Surprises

Apparently my fish tank is in the mood to keep surprising me. 

You see in my 125 gallon fish tank, I have 9 angelfish. 
(and a ton of other fish as well) 

And out of those 9, 6 of them have divided into 3 breeding pairs. 

Which makes for a rather contentious tank. As this past week, days apart from each other, all 3 pairs of angelfish, decided to lay eggs.

The first pair...well it was their first time doing so.
And so I figured that those eggs wouldn't last long, because they were new parents. They wouldn't have as much of a clue on what to do. 

And unsurprisingly.
After a couple of days.
The eggs vanished from their spot.

Which usually happens if the batch wasn't fertile....or one of my algae eaters got a hold of the eggs.

I didn't think much on it.
Because the other two pairs of angelfish too decided to lay eggs.
These ones slightly more experienced in the process. 

So I was focused on them and this new set of eggs.
When I happened to glance towards the first pair of angelfish.
Because the Father was acting super aggressive to the other fish.
Which was weird...because there were no eggs over there.


I looked to a pink plant I have in that corner of that tank.
Looked closer.
And saw....little fry!!!

Apparently the first pair of angelfish not only had moved their eggs to a different location, but had managed to keep that location secure enough that the eggs were able to transition to their wiggler state, an now reach their fry state where they can freely swim around. (to the consternation of their parents who prefer they stay ON the plant lol.) 


But now I'm at a tug of war of myself.
Because like I said, I have a ton of other fish in my tank. Like around 60 total. 
Which means...that more than likely some of those babies will get eaten and if I want them to survive I should separate them out.

But the other part of me....knows that Angelfish make excellent parents. And I kinda want to see how well they do parenting their offspring...

Ah. Decisions Decisions. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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