Sunday, November 5, 2017


So I went into work tonight to help out with the store.
Because we are apparently like 2 months behind on our Planners. 
-Aka resetting sections of the store to be able to put new product on the shelf. 

Which...isn't a good thing.
Because in the meantime we've ended up with this odd splicing of new and old and 'fit the product wherever we can' sort of set up. Because if it doesn't go on the usually ends up lost in a box somewhere. (some days we are more organized than others.) 

And usually where this is really visible.
Is my department.
Because my department is the sort of 'odds and ends' section of the store. 
Because we have Small Pets, Birds, Reptiles, and Fish sections. 
And those are a ton of different cages, bedding, foods, accessories, and decorations.
Which means we're often switching up 'the extras' that we're selling. 
You get people to buy more things.

And when we're in that inbetween stage where we've sold the 'reduce to clear' items, but haven't officially put out the 'new to the store' items....
It just leaves the shelves looking really...empty.
Which isn't a good thing, looks wise.

So knowing that tonight we would be resetting sections of my department?
Oh yah. I was totally game.
Because I wanted my department back in order and looking nice again. I wanted to see the new products on the shelves and see what we got in.

I actually really like resetting planners.
Like it's one of those 'accomplishment' sort of things.
Where I enjoy the challenge of the puzzle that planners bring. Pulling things off the shelf, reorganizing, adjusting, putting it all back.
I really like doing that. 

Soo that's what I did.
For like 5 hours tonight lol. 

Me and a couple other coworkers were able to reorganize our Fish Decorations, the Fish Backgrounds, Some Reptile Pellet foods, Reptile Decorations, and our Small Pet Cages. Getting everything in the proper spots and looking all nice and pretty again. 

lol. Though the fish decorations proved to be quite the whoever came up with that planner...has obviously never been into a store to see the decorations in person before. 
Because it started out with like the first five decorations evenly spaced....and then like the last ten all squished together in a foot section. :S 
lol. Needless to say...that didn't work.
So we ended up having to fix the planner so that the decorations were evenly spaced out and didn't look like they'd all been shoved into a corner willy-nilly. 

In any case.
With the three of us for my department. (There were five other people helping out in the store as well, just not in my department. They were focusing on Cat/Dog food stuff) 
We were able to get the planagrams for my department knocked out rather quickly.
Which then allowed us to go through some pallets and overstock in the steel, where we could finally bring down product that now could go on the shelf, and make sure that our shelves were filled and such.

And it was just....rather satisfying to do.
Being able to make my department organized and neat looking....was great. Very satisfying.
Tiring work lol. 
Especially considering I have to come back in like...Five hours to open the store again.
But very satisfying. Worth not getting the full rest. 
Because at my department...we're caught up now. :) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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