Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Chocolate "Chip" Shake

So there's this place that I occasionally like to go to get shakes from called Arctic Circle. 

And currently my favorite one to get is a Chocolate Chip shake.

I like it because they take...idk the word for it. But the 'Chocolate Topper shell." where it's liquid chocolate until you pour it onto something cold and then it hardens into a shell.

And usually they pour in a bunch of that chocolate stuff into the vanilla icecream and mix it in until the 'chocolate chips' are swirled all throughout the vanilla.

It's my favorite.

I love it.

And I decided, after a long day at work, that I wanted to go ahead and get one today.

And I should have suspected that something was gonna go wrong when I told the person manning the drive thru that I wanted a "Chocolate Chip shake."

And they were like "A Chocolate shake?"

"No, A Chocolate Chip shake."

"So that was a Chocolate shake?"

"No. Chocolate. CHIP."

"Oh. Chocolate Chip! Okay!" 

Like...something has to go wrong if it takes that many repetitions for them to hear the 'chip' part of 'chocolate chip'

*exhales* But I didn't really think much of it beyond the fact that the person was having a hard time hearing me.

Until I got to the window to get my food and shake.

And they hand me a 'Chocolate Chip' shake.

But not the chocolate chip shake that I had described up above. lol.

No. They'd poured a bunch of actual chocolate chips into the shake and mixed it in with the vanilla ice cream. *shakes head* lol

It was rather amusing, disappointing as I much prefer the other version, but amusing none the less.

And it tells me that there's at least one new person working in the store, if not two or three as nobody caught the 'mistake' of the chocolate chip shake.

*shakes head* lol

I wasn't about to make a scene though because at that point I was starving and just wanted to eat my food and go home.

Besides I did technically get what I asked for lol.

And it seems to be something that happens quite often there, as I asked my brother if he'd had that happen often when he'd worked at a different A.C. and he said that it happened alot.

*shakes head*

Gotta love those misunderstandings lol.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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