Friday, September 20, 2013

Fish Mayhem

Do you know what's tiring?

Having to catch a ton of fish.
And I mean, literally, a ton of fish.

Our fish set up was switched up today.
Where fish needed to be moved from one tank to a different tank.

This happens occasionally.
You know how stores do it. They move products around to new locations so that different customers will see them, or whatever.

It's kinda like how my cheese bread moves locations at the store every two or three months.
Totally annoying because then I have to go find it, but kinda fun as then I find food that I hadn't seen before.

But back to fish.
It's not a simple endeavor.
I mean, you have to catch them.
And those things, are fast.
Multiply that by more tanks then there are fingers and toes on your hands and feet.....

Plus, we only found out about having to switch the fish around, today.
When the store was open.
So we had to wait on customers, while trying to catch so many fish.
Plus, we got in new fish.
And they had to wait to be put out until we could get all the current fish moved to their new spots.

Needless to say.
I spent all but two hours of my shift catching and releasing fish.

Totally stressful. And tiring.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

It was an Avatar the Last Airbender sort of set up, though the characters of Aang, Katara, and Sokka had the looks of Ned, Jennifer, and Simon from Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. (I have no idea where this came from, I haven't thought/seen that show in years it seems like.) They were on a journey, but Zuko was after them. They'd known each other all from school, and Zuko had bullied Aang a lot. Well, now years later. Aang had finally had enough. The two of them fought, and Aang, using his Avatar powers, took away Zuko's ability to bend fire. They left Zuko in an old city that had been abandoned to continue on to a different city. Time passed, and Katara returned to find Zuko had crafted a new filtration system to make the water for the city cleaner and purer, filtering out all the bad junk that flowed in it. Somehow he'd managed to get some ability with water bending, and had gotten the inspiration for the system from an older water bender inventor dude who'd tried something in earlier decades and failed. Zuko was understandably nervous to have Katara there. He was worried that the system wouldn't work right, but it did flowing beautifully up through pipes and through the strainers made from like a hive sort of material up to the cities fountains making the water even more clean and bright looking. But most of all, Zuko was nervous about meeting Aang again. As he was going to be an official guest at this 'reopening' of the city. I don't think Aang realized that Zuko was still alive, or that Zuko now had ability with water. Also, due to the taking away of his fire powers. Zuko's scar also faded to a faint mark like a small crescent on the outside of his eye. Barely seen unless the lighting was right.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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