Friday, September 27, 2013

Snake Freak Out

You know what's scary?
When you think you accidentally kill something. On accident.

There we were, Reth and I, giving one of the snakes a nice hot soak.
You know, to help relax him and convince him that eating afterwards would be very beneficial.

So, the snake was placed in a bowl, but he kept slithering out.
He really needed to soak, so Reth placed him in a container with a lid.

Put in warm water.

The snake totally freaked out!
It was thrashing, jerking wildly, opening and closings its mouth.
Man, I was sure that a finger would be lost if we tried to pull him out.

Then suddenly.
He froze.
Mouth open, body slightly curled. Water going into his mouth.

We stared at him in surprise. I mean, if your bottom jaw is open under water, and the top is above water...and he's not moving.
That means he died right?

What a weird way to go! I mean, it was just water. Did he freak himself to death?

After a few tense moments of waiting.
Talking about it, deciding that his muscles were still engaged and he hadn't gone limp.

He finally began to move.
Slowly ever so slowly closing his mouth, he laid there.

He's alive!

Reth and I had never seen a snake do that. It was rather freaky.
Having him laying half submerged in water with his mouth open in a silent scream?
Not an image you get out of your head easily.

But luckily, he's okay! :)
Hopefully, he won't freak out like that again the next time we give him a soak.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

From what I remember, our house was going to burn down because we were under attack and I was trying to gather everything important -like stuffed animals- in the house to save what we could. But as I was coming up the hill, this guy came at me with this machine looking war gun, and he started firing at me with no concern at all that I was basically an innocent by stander!
I confronted this guy with a full head of grey hair and 'glamor' like quality to it.
And realized. It was Satan. Satan was attacking me. He was making my dream horrible. So I looked him in the eye and said three times something along the lines of "By the power of Jesus Christ, leave me alone."
And he did. He smiled at me in approval like he was glad I'd remembered how to make him go away, and he faded away....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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