Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Paper Memories

Well, that was...okay it wasn't fun, but it was interesting.

You see, a bit ago, my parents decided to unload my closet.
lol, apparently I managed to fit a whole bedroom into that little space.
And among all the various odds and ends.
Were a couple of backpacks and containers filled with...
school papers.

And when I went home for the weekend,
I had the 'fun' task of going through all those school papers and deciding which ones I wanted to keep...and which ones should finally return to the paper system of recycling.

It was a bit of a memory lane for me.

"Oh! I remember this! This was soo tedious!"
"Aww, I was so cute in that."
"Hey! I was looking for that."
"Wow, this assignment was six hours of torture."
"Hey! I got extra credit on this assignment. And this one, and this one."
"Ouch. Yep, I was right in remembering this was a hard class for me."

Of course, it was a bit annoying.
Why did I keep all of this?!
lol. Well, for one, I wasn't sure if I would need to use it again in a future class.
Two, the teachers told me to keep it because I would want to refer to it again in the future.

Ha. Yah right.
I don't know how many 'book outlines," "power point notes" "written papers," and the like that I tossed away. Not to mention all those math assignments. O.o
Most of them I was like "Well this was obviously busy work."
And into the recycling bin it went.
Though, looking through my past homework assignments. I have come to realize that I really do like math. Looking at all the equations made me want to try and do them again. lol.
Though since it's been half a decade since I've done math....I can't really remember how to do any of it. It's like it's on the tip of my tongue, a recognition of what should be done, but not the path of how to do it.
Yes. I did like Math when I had to take it. I just hated the tests and the 'have to explain my work' things. The equations themselves and being able to come to a solution, I actually liked.

Back to throwing things away.
I remember teachers saying "Keep these chapter outlines you made, it saves you having to go through the book."
Personally...with how much detail I put into those things, it would have been easier just to reread the book.
Into recycling.

Powerpoint notes. Into recycling.
Notes. Notes Notes. Into recycling.

In the end, out of the two backpacks I went through filled to bursting with school papers.
I kept an overstuffed folder full of papers.
Which is totally better then I was expecting. I'd half feared I'd just want to keep every single paper I came across. :S

Some of those papers had sentimental value.
Others....I kept them because I'd done little doodle drawings on them.
Yep. If a paper no matter what the assignment, had a picture on it. I kept it.
I figured that that would be a fun way to 'pick and choose' some assignments to keep.
And I'd like to think, that keeping some of the assignments gives me a random collection of my handwriting. So I can see how much better -or totally worse- my hand writing has become. lol.

In any case. It was tedious. It was tiring -both physically and emotionally.

And...I'm not done yet.

*shakes head* Really past Sarnic. Really. Why did you not just toss these all when you had the chance years ago?
Because Sarnic, I thought I would actually use them in the future.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with a couple of cousins, in some sort of national park. They were from out of state...maybe even out of country, and were trying to pack in as much fun as they could in the few days we were there. It seemed like we were in a cross of Yellowstone and Arches, as we played in the water, dressed up in period clothes, swam in the pond, and flittered through the gift shops. Finally, we decided to head up to the volcano, only that part was actually in the park. So we'd have to pay to get in. They only accepted cash unfortunately, though I wasn't concerned on my part. I had $6 in my pocket to pay the fee, though I was reluctant to have to pay it in the first place when we'd been having so much fun outside of the park. Why go in, when there was still a ton to do outside of it? My uncle Odey was having trouble finding cash, but my cousin Justin had the cash, so we went by the shack to pay on the otherside in a computerized system when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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