Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Owl Be Back

I'd just gotten off work.
Late at night.
And...decided to do something random.
I mean, that's what life is about right? Doing something random?

So I ventured over to Kikay's place.
I switched it up a bit.
From what I usually do, which would be to leave something for Kikay in her car.

No. I decided to send Mirleki on an adventure instead. (lol I'd half hoped that the roommates would join her...but the dice fell how they lay.)

In any case.
I knew that Mirleki didn't always have her phone near her.
So I started with Kikay "Hey, I'm about to have some fun with Mirleki. Could you make sure she has her phone?"
I got back a reply along the lines of "Done and done! :)" lol I learned later that Kikay had grabbed Mirleki's phone and plopped it onto her foot. So that when I sent her the first text, she knew right away that she'd received the message.

What had I done?
I'd bought a bunch of owl toys from Starsmet because they were cute, and squeaky! Since school was starting or had started for the apartment, I thought some squeaky fun could help lessen the stress. ;)
Plus, I knew Mirleki liked owls. ;) haha. And since she was going to be the forerunner for the others...I thought it would work just fine. :)
So I drove up to the apt.
Got out of my car with my owls.

And place three owls on three cars.
Car 1. Mirleki's car. -A woman saw me by the car and asked if she'd parked in the wrong place. I was like "Oh no, I'm just doing something nice for my friends, as they seemed stressed out." (she thought I was giving out tickets or something.)
Car 2. Kikay's car. -They were right next to each other.
Car 3. My car.

My car was furthest away. And I purposely parked as far as possible so that when Mirleki would go to get the owl on that car, I could sneak into the building.

And luckily Kikay and Mirleki's cars were by one door. So I could run to the far door on the opposite side of my car...therefore making my chances of sneaking into the apartment more likely.

So I hunkered down. Got ready. And sent the first text.
It was a picture of the first owl (hard to see in the dark, but you could tell whatever it was had eyes. loll) with the words "Help! I'm trapped on your car."

And I waited....and waited...and waited....
Finally I sent Kikay a text. "She will have to come down to get it."
Kikay responded back "She's changing, you caught her in her pjs."
Oh. O.o Why was she in her pjs already! It wasn't even 11 yet?
Lol I know I probably would have changed too, but I'd like to think that I'd just go wandering around in my pjs. ;) haha. Nah...chances are there would have been someone out there.

In any case. I waited, peering through the windows...and saw movement. At the wrong door.
I ducked down out of sight.
Mirleki had come out the far door instead of the door closest to her car.
(She told me that she hadn't remembered where she parked.)
In any case. I waited for her to walk to her car.
Only.....she didn't.
:S She started circling a different spot further down from the car I thought had been her car.
Crap. I'd put the owl on the wrong car!
So I sent her a text. "Oops. Wrong car. Go to the one next to Kikay's."

I thought she'd gotten the text. For she started heading down towards Kikay.
But then my phone started flashing at me that it was dying.
So I sent her the rest of my planned texts.
A picture of the second owl on Kikay's car. With the words "Do you think Kikay will mind if I stay here?"
A picture of the third owl on my car. "I'll keep her from getting away."

And just in case some of those texts didn't get through, because my phone was dying. I sent "There are three owls total."

I thought she'd gotten the texts, because she disappeared out of sight. Though I did wonder...she seemed to be looking a lot more the she should be. But then again she didn't know where I'd parked my car.

But once I was sure she was out of sight. I dashed inside and up the stairs.
And quickly changed my plan. I'd just been going to leave my last owl on the handle of the door, but since none of the other roommates had joined Mirleki on her adventure, I knew they would be home. So I walked on in.

Good thing I did.
Because I discovered that Mirleki hadn't taken her phone with her.
O.o Silly silly! lol
In her excitement she'd forgotten it.
But that also meant she hadn't gotten any of my texts after the first one! Yikes!
So I had to hide, plush I had to get Mirleki to find the other owls first.

Plus I found out that I'd accidentally placed the owl and Leshay's car. I'd forgotten that hers and Mirleki looked basically the same. Because I'd only seen Leshay's car like...twice...months ago. -She's a friend of Kikay's from class.
That's when I got Kikay to join me. I told her to take the phone to Mirleki and make sure she found all the owls. I didn't know if she would or not.
lol Kikay was in her pjs too so she had to quickly change.
And as we were going over the details, the front door began to open.
CRAP!! Mirleki couldn't see me yet!
So I dashed into the bathroom to hide behind the door.
As Kikay distracted Mirleki. "Hey Sarnic keeps texting you. Come on lets go find all the owls!"
Mirleki had found two of the owls. The one on Kikay's car, and the one on my car.
So Kikay and Mirleki plus Leshay all went down to find the last owl on Leshay's car.
Leaving me in the apartment. haha.
Of course I hadn't realized that Leshay had gone down with them. But it worked out in the end because Leshay hadn't realized that I'd actually come into the apartment, for she'd been in her room the entire time and thought Kikay was talking to herself or something.

So I grabbed one of our rocking chairs and turned it towards the door. Stuck the last owl in my lap. And waited.

Lol Kikay had to convince everyone to come back up to the apartment by complaining that she was cold.
but that was probably when Mirleki got suspicious. "Kikay? Did we leave the door unlocked?" "Why yes we did Mirleki!"
Uhoh. You know what that means? Right? Right. Yah. I'd probably snuck in while all three of them were down below!!
Haha. Nope, I'd snuck up waaaaaay earlier. ;)

But there I was. With the last squeaky toy when all three of them came back. Thrilled with their new acquisitions. And saw me. Waiting for them.

lol yep. They were thrilled. ^^ hehe.
And it worked out in the end, because I'd meant to place owls on the roommate's cars. But I hadn't known what Leshay's car looked like, but I'd placed it on her car by accident. :) That was why the third owl went on my car (along with the fact that it was far away from the doors. lol)

So yah! Adventure over. :)
lol I gave the 4th owl to Mirleki for being a good sport and wandering around lost in the parking lot. :) haha.

mmm. I can't wait to do something similar again soon.
Though I will have to do a different thing next time. Just so they can't cut me off and reveal me before I want to be revealed next time. ;) haha.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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