Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Donwanna Upgrade!

You know what is both beneficial and annoying at the same time?
I love the advances we're making in it.
But I hate that it's advancing so quickly.
And 'old foggies' like me who don't want to 'upgrade'
...Are left in the dust.

For example.
I moved into a new apartment a while ago.
And it came with this nice big shiny tv.



It took a bit of getting used to.
But I like it.

What I don't like.
Is that it's not playing nice with my VCR/DVD player.
I mean, it likes the DVD portion of the player.
But not the VCR portion.

In that, the back of the HD TV has no Yellow circle for me to plug into.

-You may remember mentioning this same TV having problems with the DVD player as well. In that I had to go buy a Red Blue Green cord to make it play nice.

Well apparently (it took me a bit to realize it.) VCR doesn't work with Red. Blue. or Green.
No, it prefers yellow.

And TV...doesn't have yellow.
I know. Because if it had, I wouldn't have had to buy the Blue, Red, Green cord.

And because it doesn't have yellow,
If I put in a VHS tape.
Nothing shows up on the screen.
Video doesn't convert to HD apparently. >.>

And what's even more annoying?
I can't just go out and buy the right component at the DI

No, it's a special cord.
One....that none of the local electronic stores carry.
Yah. NONE.
Apparently I have to order it online.

...and since I have no idea what sort of cord it is (and I can't remember the RD..whatsit number that the guy rattled off to me because I was dead tired when I went to look for it.)
I don't want to buy something online....and have it arrive. And STILL not work.

One store suggested I just go buy a new VCR/DVD player that has HD capabilities.
O.o Somehow...I doubt this exists.
I know it took my parents a bit of searching to find the current player I own. And that was a couple years ago.
Okay. Just looked it up. Such a player does exist. But it's waaaaay out of my price range.

In any case.
I'm rather missing my VHS that was most of my movie collection.
And there is only so many times I can watch the same movie over and over without annoying my roommates. lol.

So maybe, I'll just need to search out the DVD versions of my VHS movie and go that way. It would probably save on space.

Only....DVD has 'upgraded' as well.
To Blu-ray
And my current player doesn't do Blu-ray.
And while DVDs still exist....
They're not as fun as Blu-rays.
Because for some odd reason, the movies being released recently, barely have any Bonus Features on the regular DVD.
On some. There are NONE.
I'm guessing its so that a 'better quality' can be shown on the DVD?
Yet, they're only found on the Blu-ray.
That's sooo not fair. >.>
Can't us DVD fans get a special Bonus Feature or six? At least include the Deleted Scenes for Pete's sake!

Grrr. Yah.
I don't want to spend more money.
However, I'm thinking I'll have to break soon.

Or....come up with a creative solution....
We'll have to see....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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