Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rediscovered Food

I didn't mean this to be another food related post right after a food related post.
But, guys. I made this amazing rediscovery last night!


Yes. How is it amazing? Good question. But it is!
It's like one of those foods where I'm sure I liked to eat them as a kid.
I remember liking them at some point....I'm pretty sure....Or maybe it was my brother and/or sister who were all around obsessed with this food. As in Elementary we always seemed to have a box of them in the downstairs freezer.

But thinking back....I really don't think I've had a corn dog since Elementary school....before last night.
It's one of those foods where something just triggered my "You don't want to eat that it's disgusting!' mode, and I hardly ventured near them after that point. Hot dogs shouldn't be covered in fried bread or the taste was off or something weird.

In any case.
I had one last night.
Well, I was at institute.
I'd just gotten off work.
Hadn't had dinner yet.
Because I needed to get to the class.
And luckily, evening institute classes serve food!
And the food guessed it. Corndogs.
And me, being hungry as I was...
decided to take it and eat it.

It was delicious!
Seriously, I had to stop myself from going to get another one.
I'm totally craving one right now as of writing this.
I'm probably going to go find a place that sells them tomorrow so I can taste the warm deliciousness again.

*fingers crossed* that when I do....the corn dog will still be just as delicious and that it wasn't a one time thing. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

 -Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with a girl, we were flying through the air, and I was going to follow an airplane, but she convinced me to fly a different route, a safer route, as I knew if I had followed the airplane that we would have crashed, but knowing that I could have prevented the crash, I left canyon we were flying through and tried desperately to go save the plane as I saw it go spiraling towards the ground, but once I got up out of the buildings, it had disappeared from view. And I couldn't see it anymore, but I knew I could have helped out had she not convinced me it was safer to go the safe route....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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