Sunday, October 19, 2014

Teasingly Serious

You know those people who have a great comeback for something funny you say to keep the laughter and teasing going?
I don't think I'm one of those types.

It's not that I can't be that type.
It's just that...I don't think it's my go to reaction.
At least not in a way that people see as the usual 'comeback.'

I'm a solution finder really. A problem solver.
So when people say something sarcastic.
My go to thing is to say something that would 'solve' this problem.

And.... in many cases, I think it goes over peoples heads as me trying to continue the teasing and such.
Instead they think I took them seriously.
As I often get the "I was just kidding." after I give my comeback.
And then I have to go *blinkblink* "I know?"

Really, I don't really realize that I gave a 'solution' answer until after they say that though.
I was just talking.

But I guess my mind is a bit wired that way. Into 'helping' mode.
It is true though...that I don't always catch onto when the 'problem' isn't actually a 'problem'

Who knows if this even makes sense lol.
But it was something I was thinking about today.
How I tend to go more serious than nonserious....even if I'm not seriously being serious....

Hmmm....I need to pay more attention to this process of mine.... lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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