Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday Truth

Sometimes, I need to watch my tongue on being too truthful.
As really, it can get me in trouble.
Like more than once.
Especially when I don't realize it until afterwards that there was a reason why the truth wasn't totally spoken in that particular moment.
Sometimes, well, most of the time, I can't help it.
If I know the answer, I want people to know the answer to.

So if they say something incorrect, I like to correct them so that they know the truth,
or tell them everything they need to know so they have all the pieces in order to make a plan.

Really, I should have lied through my teeth this morning.

You see, it was Black Friday.
And my store, like many a store, was doing a sale, and opening the doors two hours earlier than normal.
Which meant, I had to come into the store waaaay earlier than normal in order to make sure all our animals were fed and everything was ready in my department for the people to come.
In order to do this...I had to come in at 4am.
Which meant I had to be awake by like...3:30 am to get to work,
which meant that I needed a reaaaaallly early bedtime, as I knew I wouldn't last a minute if I tried the whole 'stay up all night' routine. Especially in an 8 hour shift, especially with lots of people coming in first thing in the morning. (Of course, nothing like other stores..... yay!)

You could say I was a bit, sleep fogged even with enough rest. (had a headache. bleh.)
It also didn't help that when the doors were opened, I was besieged by like two people at once wanting reptiles.
-I was also distracted watching the swarm of people coming to grab cat litter. O.o I don't comprehend why you want to get up before the sun to get 12 buckets of cat litter but ooookay.

One woman wanted a Bearded Dragon.
The other wanted an Eyelash Crested Gecko.

And here comes in the part where I should  have been thinking more.
Where I should have been lying through my teeth.

As, I had a coworker who'd anxiously been waiting for our Black Friday sale to buy our Crested Gecko. It was going half off. She'd been wanting it forever.
The thing was, we had two of them, a regular and a fancy.
And this girl who asked to see them, asked to see both.

If I had been thinking, I would have said that the cage with the Gecko my coworker wanted was empty. (the thought did cross my mind. >.< grrr I really need to start listening to my thoughts more.)
If I had been thinking, I would have lied through my teeth and said that this particular gecko wasn't doing too great, that it wasn't eating well, that we were worried about it. -as the customer asked all these questions and I assured them that he was fine. *bangs head against wall.*
But I still thought they would want to look at the other one.
Ugh, if I had been thinking.....

But I wasn't.
I was caught up in the rush of customers coming in the store, in trying to help two people at once.
And before I could help it, before I could pull out the other gecko.
The girl decided that she wanted the first one....
And I turned to look....and there was my coworker standing there....
Two seconds too late.

Unable to get the gecko that she'd been wanting for forever.

Yes....if I had been thinking....I would have made sure that she got first dibs.
I would have made it seem like the crested wasn't there.
And once the customer was gone out of the store, I would have grabbed it for my coworker.

So many ifs. So many thoughts on what could have been. Y_Y

But beyond that one sour note, Y_Y
Black Friday at work went really well!
It was crazy for like the hour after we opened our doors, and then slowed down to a more manageable level. ^^ (just like I knew it would.)
And I managed to leave before it got crazy again, at work for the lunch time rush. :) Woot!!
I am sooo grateful that I work where I do. The people are all so nice to each other compared to other places I hear about. Definitely a good place to be. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was wandering around a school, trying to get from one set of finals to another, having not had time to study for the second due to having to go to the doctor -a difficult feat when I was stuck in a wheel chair, and everywhere the building seemed to not have been made for people in wheel chairs so I was having trouble getting to where I was going.- And the doctors visit wasn't much more comforting either, leaving me feeling worse about myself, rather than better. But I left to go to my second class final, Only to discover that it was kind of like the first day of school there. We didn't have any tests, the class was actually just starting, so I was a little bit ahead of this drama/film group because I'd managed to read like 1 of the 5 books I'd been supposed to read....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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