Saturday, November 8, 2014

It Stings, Burns, and Aches

Tis the get injured. Fa la la la La la la la.

I feel like it's been months and months like even more than half a year or so since I've acquired so many scraps, cuts, jerked up's crazy.

Though, not that surprising really.
Since I don't know where half of these scraps and cuts come from...
It means that I'm distracted.
It means that I'm busy.
It means that I'm not noticing when I take the injury, only that it hurts later when I do something to jar it.

It also probably comes from me being in a hurry. More so than I have recently, because it's been a while since I've been so short handed in my department. It's nearly like the great flood of coworkers leaving that happened earlier in the spring.
Less people.
More work.
More that needs to be done faster.
Which means...more likely hood that I'll end up getting a bit nicked along the way.

The changing of temperature outside probably isn't helping much either.
Not when my hands are constantly getting wet from water/ hand sanitizer.
Those are dying out the skin.
Making them irritated, and therefore more painful.

But at the moment, I think the most irritating thing of all,
is the little cat scratch I got along my pinky finger.
As part of that scratch, ends right in a crease which means it's constantly flexing and compressing and being moved about...
So it's being more irritated today.
Waaaay more irritated.
Like the "put hand sanitizer on it and it feels like I burned myself and stuck myself with a needle." OW!
I hope that one heals quickly.
Because even though the new marks look cool....
I'd rather have my hands in 'pain free' order again so I can do my job with less wincing involved. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved me worrying about a coworker going crazy and pulling a gun and me trying to convince them that they were doing something incredibly stupid and should leave now.


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