Friday, April 17, 2015

A Day In Review -April 17th

Monday, April 17th 2006

-I went back to school from spring break down to the Confluence Area of the Colorado River. Always hard.

Friday, April 17th 2009

-I had class today, An ASL one where we worked on how to describe/sign objects by playing around with balls. In Anthropology we talked about Economics, English we went over the research paper...again, and got let out early...again. I met up with an ASL classmate, Cassie, and we complained about the ASL classes we're forced to take for our major. I ran into a guy named Matt and chatted to him in Sign about History teachers before going to my history class where we wrote important events that had happened since the 1950s on the board. I came home and took a nap but woke up with a headache. Told the roomies that Brecken (girl in ward) had been the one to give them the bunnies (I'd left stuffed animal rabbits on the sink and they wanted to know who'd done it.) My roomie Ali had a Rootbeer party because she turned 21 the day before, we had a party at Scott's parent's place in their pool. It was fun, though the party didn't start til 9ish and we didn't get home until after midnight. :S

Saturday, April 17th 2010

-I slept in til 11am today, and read a book until 1-2ish before I did a rough draft on a sociology paper I needed to write. Mom called from her girl's retreat to check up on me and see how I was doing with the news (there were lumps in her breasts that turned out to be cancerous, got the news the day before.) I'm glad that I could hear her voice and that I was calm and not blubbering. (She had surgery on the last day of my finals to have the lumps removed, I drove home as soon as I was done to see her. She recovered well, the surgery worked. :) ) I went to my school's library to watch another movie for Sociology and came home where I didn't feel like doing homework and don't really care, though I'm going to hate tomorrow by procrastinating it.

Sunday, April 17th 2011

-Got a ride to church with my roommate Tasha today, we had church from 1-4pm (it seems like I've always had church at that time.) and to top it was fast Sunday. (probably had General Conference the week before...maybe a stake conference...)Needless to say I was starving by the time church was over. I watched some Living Scriptures with Dan before we went to the LDCC Institute concert. Came home and talked with Kikay and Tasha about boys and this and that....

Tuesday, April 17th 2012

-We had an Earthquake drill in school today. (funnily enough I heard that something like this happened again a few days ago.) Where statewide everyone would be doing an earthquake drill. I was super excited for it, as I haven't had a drill since like...4th grade. lol, I was known as the EarthQuake girl to my principle in Elementary because I would constantly ask her when we were going to do another Earthquake drill (never seemed to happen.) This one took place in my Criminal Justice class at 10:15. Instead of the fun rumbling noises of an earthquake though we had to listen to a minute of the fire alarm. Many of the guys complained about trying to fit under the desk, so the teacher compromised and said they just needed to be on the floor for the drill. I could fit under my desk easily enough, but all too soon we were back to learning CJ stuff. In my Institute class we went over Samuel the Lamanite and doing what the Lord asks us to do. My next institute class we started going over Emma Smith's story, covering the events that happened around the time she was pregnant with her children. After school I took the roommates and Kikay to the Disney Store at the mall to buy stuff because we thought that they were having a Buy one Get one free sale off everything in the store. :( It wasn't. Just Car stuff. But we bought things anyway. Came back home and worked on writing with Jessva til 7 when I went to an Institute party. It was for our publicity committee. We had food and played games and the new cochair Amanda and I had fun delivering the leftover pizza to classrooms because we had extras. :)

Wednesday, April 17th 2013

-My mouth has been continuously hurting (achy gums from what I can tell.) I ended up hanging out around home, doing a little packing, a little writing, a lot of hugging my heat pack to my cheek to try and dull the pain, but it keeps coming back. I really want it to disappear, but I think its more of a waiting game as meds only bring temporary relief...

Thursday, April 17th 2014

-It's been one of those days where I'm taking things harder than I should or I'm overthinking things. lol my coworker, Ali, today called me "scary fast" as I managed to do some of the reptile bedding changes quicker than she expected me to. However helping to her out put me behind on opening the rest of my department. I could have done it faster, but I ended up having to play ring around the rosie with a few animals to get some out to the floor and to isolate others. One of the things that have got me down is that 6 of the 9 guinea pigs I personally received into our store....have died. (such a freak event.) SIX and there is a seventh that is a customer return that could die too (I think it did.) It's unheard of (totally is. I think 8 of the 9 died if not all of them, hasn't happened since or before) It's crazy! and I'm partially blaming myself for this situation (as it costs us money wise to have animals die...) because I had the chance to turn the away when they came in. But they had looked healthy enough when I saw them! A bit mellow, but maybe the cage conditions were different?...I don't know, but it's super depressing. I also felt like I was "missing" with most of my customers (not connecting, not getting them what they needed, making them happy) It really was only 2 people I could  help, but it was one right after the other. :( Still I managed to help one fellow find tennis balls for his dog. :) yay. My temper came out a bit during lunch as I attempted to drive home to grab my heat pack and get back to work, but I got stuck behind slow drivers and rush hour traffic. I managed to only be 4 minutes late clocking back in...but still frustrating. >.< I hate being late. Work went well enough otherwise...I drove home and dropped by the RSpresident's place to grab some pizza before heading to PG to see my friend Chad at his wedding reception. I even ran into my cochair shawn, but got the "cold shoulder" vibe from him which might have been nothing...but it made me I wasn't wanted around. Which has kinda put me in a damper mood...The reception itself was great, but I'm just going to head to bed and hope that tomorrow goes better for me.

Friday, April 17th 2015

-I had the day off of work today, which is kinda weird because for the past little while I've been getting weekends off, so it was weird to have a weekday off. I took advantage of it by taking my car in for an Oil Change and ended up spending more money (about what I expected to, but not what I wanted to) to fix other things on the car that needed 'updating.' Discovered that a Rock that had hit the windshield of my car while driving back to Happy Valley the other day had indeed left a chip in my windshield that I now need to find a place to fix it... Because I had Friday off, I was able to go to the Institute Devotional. ^^ It was the last one of the year since the semester ends next week (with finals the week after. So glad I don't have to worry about those.) the LDCC choir and Chorale sang and it was great! It's been forever since I've been to a devotional. I ran into a couple of friends, and had one girl comment on my Sinceriously shirt (word that Stephen Amell is trying to get into the dictionary) and she actually knew what it was (i'd had three people before her ask me what my shirt meant.) so it was fun to actually connect and see a fellow fan of Stephen Amell (in his part as the Arrow in the TV show the Arrow) I met some of the old institute council members I worked with and we chatted for a bit before I left to go food shopping. (fooooddd) I came home and took a nap (social interactions can exhaust me.) before hanging out anxiously waiting for the clock to strike I had a date tonight. I was trying to not be too nervous about it. (First date in like a year) And it actually ended up being a ton of fun! He was a total gentleman, opening doors for me, walking on the outside (closest to the road) that sort of thing. We went to a Volleyball game at the University, but only ended up staying for one of the matches because it was loud, too loud to talk comfortably, and he was more interested in getting to know me instead of the game. ^^ Totally a sweetheart. Loved this date. He took me to a Japanese/Korean restaurant and we spent an hour and so just talking while we ate. It definitely was a good date, it was like we were instant friends, immediately felt at ease with him. He dropped me off just after 9 and I ended up meeting up with my friends/sister so they could hear how the date went. Which basically went amazing. :) it was fun. Nonstressful, a good experience. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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