Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Day In Review -April 21st

Friday, April 21st 2006

-I stayed after school for the National Honor Society. I had to color an ABC book for a service project. It took me forever to color all the little pictures that went with the letters of the alphabet. Around three hours I think. The president of the NHS and the teacher in charge thought my pictures were wonderful "So detailed, you're really good." "Wow, I just colored mine solid colors, yours is way good." I don't understand it. What kid would want to open an ABC book and see a Quilt for Q colored all red? Why not put more colors into it to make it better? Make the pictures exciting to look at. Take your time. I guess its different for the other members they were just doing it as fast as they could for several hours. I mean I was doing it for hours too but I think I was being a lot neater and creative than they were.

Tuesday, April 21st 2009

-I woke up at 645 this morning to work on writing my history notes. I didn't need to write down all that information that was annoying to find out. Walked in the sun to institute and played the piano, whent o do ASL, we discussed our final. Had more history stuff to do during lunch, went to Phil where we reviewed for our Final on THursday. Ran into Steve...Cook? Chatted with him for half an hour about how 18 year old girls are spiritually *and mentally) immature compared to the Return missionaries. I totally agreed with him and went along with it. He wants girls to have a 2 year spiritual enlightenment period as well to bring them on the same level as the guys. (Totally *rolling my eyes as I read this.* Girls can be way spiritual without having to spend two years focusing on it.) It was somewhat funny when he found out that I was 18. Ha. He backpeddled really quick saying not all 18 year olds are like that. I took my history test after that and 2 hours later emerged with a cramped hand. Met up with Ali and Brad at the baseball field but didn't see the game. Oh well...maybe next time. (I never did go to a baseball game while in school) I was glad to come home and relax for a bit sticking my feet into the hot tub after dark and watch the boys trying to splash all the girls in the hot tub. It was a relaxing way to end the day.

Wednesday, April 21st 2010

-Today was the last day of my 2010 Spring Semester College Classes! And I admit, once again, it doesn't feel like class has ended. (it never did feel like a 'last day' in college...so weird.) In communications we made an Eggstress thing where you can hit the egg and it will bounce back into an upright position because of a weigh tin the bottom of it. We also talked about our group project and what could have been done to make them better. Sociology was kinda a let down, because we couldn't use the power point. Why? Apparently a virus had gotten into the school main frame and was wrecking havoc on all the school computers so everything had to be shut down. In my business class I was told that this was happening nationwide. O.o It was only affecting Windows programs though, this virus. So for both those classes we ended up just talking about the final and test reviews. Came home to work on my ASL grade paper before retuning to the school. In Psych we presented our group project. I think people enjoyed it. Went to my ASL class early because psych finished early. Drew on the board working out final paper problems, talked about Oralism. Joy. (so tired of that subject) Came home and printed out my bibiliography went to Kristins for a ride and got a brownie. Went to the Ethics class and the teacher had tech difficulties and confused us on how to do another questions with the word "best" in them, but had a good time. Came outside to find that the rain I'd managed to avoid being in all day was coming down hard. I ended up getting wet walking to Kristin's car. Came home and relaxed and had a slight headache.

Thursday, April 21st 2011

-Today was officially the last day of classes. For my last dance class we practiced our routines and had a food social. I brought cookies. :) Went to my two institute classes where I got creamies. :D Afterwards I studied for my last Anatomy quiz on the Urinary, Male, and Female systems. Took it. I think I did alright but I don't know for sure. It was a different type of quiz where we took it in a different room...not detrimental, just different. I picked up Kikay afterwards and went to the store, and took a nap afterwards. At 7 I went to an LDSSA meeting where we introduced ourselves and talked about plans and goals for next year. I actually had a pretty good time even though it was a 2 hour meetings (short meetings are the best meetings beyond no meetings at all.) Brother Spencer put me in the spotlight at one point by telling everyone that I had applied for counsel a couple of times or three before to be considered for the counsel and all those times before the Lord had give the "No" when they asked if I should be a counsel, but this time I got the go ahead. I wonder what the Lord has in store for me for being on council now...I just hope I pass and whatever it is I can learn and grow from it. :)

Saturday, April 21st 2012

-I stayed up til 5am working on a story with Jesva, woke up again at 10 am to talk to her before work, fell back asleep til 2ish, Worked off and on attempting to do my paper for Deafness and the Law. I found some information, but I've yet to write the things I'm not sure what I can write for 5 pages...but I need to write it soon since it's due on Monday. At 6 Kikay and I and the Neffie girls went and saw Mirror Mirror. :) Its a cute movie. ^^ I enjoyed watching it. Came home and got distracted watching Ghost Adventures when again I should have been working on that paper.....still can't think on what to write...

Sunday, April 21st 2013

-Since I had work at 2am this morning I didn't actually end up going to bed. I stayed up all night. Work itself went well. (was given a stocking shift) I rearranged two of the driveway isle displays. Odd how that can take so much time. Dozed for 2 hours before going to church. Actually felt awake for it mostly. In relief society we got a book and we had munch and mingle afterwards. Came home and then went to the Neffies. Home again and finally able to go to bed.

Monday, April 21st 2014

-I'm feeling slightly ill at the moment with a headache and a slightly unhappy stomach. Must be subconsciously stressing over something or else I'm getting bombarded with everyone else's stress auras. Who knows. Work went well, Sirch wants me to try to do bedding changes for birds faster. I don't think he realized I would have been done sooner if I hadn't stopped to talk with him more than once. Oh well, room for improvement. I was able to stay busy at least. :) yay. Came home and took a short nap as Danielle woke me up with a rather loud stressed sounding phone call. I don't know why she talks to her mom via speaker phone, but it sure was loud. I went to FHE tonight and played volleyball. ^^ tons of fun.

Tuesday, April 21st 2015

-I woke up with a headache from yesterday *sighs* I hate it when sleep doesn't get rid of those. >.< Thankfully warming up my muscles at worked helped it go away for the most part. Opening went way better than yesterday in that we had the department basically open by noon, though after my coworker left it took me two hours to finally feed the fish because I had to help customers, mop up some spills, and finish changing the Betta Water before I could get to it. All in all, it was a good day at work. Had the Oranda Asian guy come in for his fish....but when I went back to get the two of them...O.o one had randomly died in the couple of hours between the last time I checked them and right then....O.o Fish are so weird. So I had to inform him that that one died....so he ended up getting a different one. I came home and crashed for a couple of hours waking up in time to get to my last Institute class of the Spring Semester. We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet was the theme of the class, it was cool because I got to hear a little history information about previous prophets. ^^ I always enjoy history. :D I dropped by Barnes and Noble like usual to check out the books there before coming home and hanging with the roommate. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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