Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Body's April Fools

I hope my body is just playing an April Fools joke on me.
I woke up, feeling pretty normal, headed to work.
But as the day there progressed...
I started to not feel so great.
My nose was starting to feel super clear, and I could feel moisture there, but it wasn't the typical stuffy nose.
My gums ached,
My ears started to ache.
Head ached...

Basically it seemed to be all sorts of indications of a sinus cold.

I know a bunch of my coworkers have been sick the past couple of weeks.
So it may seem like I was finally getting what they had.

But really, I hope it's just a 12 hour bug or something.
Where I don't have to suffer while working.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.
But hopefully...
It doesn't get worse.
Hopefully my Body is trying to just Prank Me....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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