Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Knock of Opportunity

So there we were, having a family dinner in my apartment.
When a knock sounded at the door.

Who was there?
A couple of guys I did not know.
What did they want?
To play a game of Frisbee.

I was like. "Thanks, but no Thanks, we already had plans."
I mean...it was family dinner...we were going to do a movie right afterwards."
But my sister, jumped in over me.
And exclaimed "We'd love to play!"
*blink blink* Wait...what? We would? Huh!
No way!
I don't want to go play a game of Frisbee with some guys!

And my sister turned to me with that O.o Raised eyebrow expression of.
"When opportunity comes knocking....why not go do it?!"

Right....we'd just spent like all of the day watching General Conference.
Where a lot of the talks seemed to focus on marriage, and family.
The need to go out on dates.

It had happened only hours before.
And yet hours later, it had completely spaced from my mind when I opened the door to the guys.

Riight....I suppose I won't meet any guys just hanging out in my apartment all day.....

So, we went out and played Frisbee.

It was actually a lot of fun.
It's been forever since I've gone out and played a game with guys where they didn't hog the Frisbee/ball the whole time.

But I'm sure paying for it now.
So. Sore.
But definitely fun. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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