Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Last 5 Minutes

Another one bites the dust.
Another one's gone, another one's gone.
Another one bites the dust.


Why is it?
That things always seem to happen at the end of your shift?

I guess it's because by that point.
After working a long busy hard shift....
One is going to be rather tired.

More prone to mistakes.
More prone to accidents.
More prone to getting hurt.

*shakes head*

It was the last 10 minutes of my shift.

I'd just finished doing all the other tasks I needed to do.
But hadn't managed to complete before that point, due to being short handed.

And I'd decided to go the extra mile and get a little bit of stocking done.
Getting product on the shelves for customers to buy.

It was a mistake.
In that five minutes I managed to hurt three of my fingers and break my watch.

It's funny though.
Only like an hour or two earlier,
I was putting my watch back on.
Thinking it was getting a bit worn down.
So it was only a matter of time before I broke it.

And that's exactly what I did.
As I was hefting a 25lb bag of gravel up onto a shelf.
The bag caught just right on my watch.
Jerking it.
With apparently enough force.
To tear the leather from the watch.
Making it useless.
The band. Broken.


Which is a big deal to me.
Because I glance at the watch a lot.
And to suddenly not be able to see the time.
Was distressing.
Even when I only had like five minutes left.

So you can bet that as soon as I was clocked out for the day.
I was driving down to Walmart to get myself another $7 watch.

Lucky me I found the exact same watch I'd just broken. :)
To the untrained eye, no one will notice the difference.

But to me.
It's a new watch!
Yay new watches!


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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