Monday, April 11, 2016

April 2009 General Conference -Sunday Afternoon

Dallin H. Oaks -Unselfish Service
  • He who lives only unto himself withers and dies, while he who forgets himself in the service of others grows and blossoms in this life and in eternity.
  • We do not serve our Savior well if we fear man more than God.
  • We cannot walk as other men, or talk as other men, or do as other men, for we have a different destiny, obligation, and responsibility placed upon us, and we must fit ourselves [to it.]
  • You can't be a life saver if you look like all the other swimmers on the beach.
  • A selfish person is more interested in pleasing man--especially himself--than in pleasing God. He looks only to his own needs and desires. He walks "in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world." Such a person becomes disconnected from the covenant promises of God and from the mortal friendship and assistance we all need in these tumultuous times. In contrast, if we love and serve one another as the Savior taught, we remain connected to our covenants and to our associates.
  • We live in a time when sacrifice is definitely out of fashion, when the outside forces that taught our ancestors the need for unselfish cooperative service have diminished. Someone has called this the "me" generation--a selfish time when everyone seems to be asking, what's in it for me? Even some who should know better seem to be straining to win the praise of those who mock and scoff from the "great and spacious building" identified in vision as the price of the world.
  • Entitlement is generally selfish. It demands much, and gives little or nothing. Its very concept causes us to seek to elevate ourselves above those around us. This separates us from the divine, evenhanded standard of reward that when anyone obtains any blessing from God, it is by obedience to the law on which the blessing is predicated.
  • "We can do no great things," Mother Teresa maintained, "only small things with great love."
  • In short, I go to church each week with the intent of being active, not passive, and making a positive difference in people's lives. Consequently, my attendance at Church meetings is so much more enjoyable and fulfilling.
  • We are happier and more fulfilled when we act and serve for what we give, not for what we get.
David A. Bednar -Honorably Hold a Name and Standing
  • By partaking of the emblems of the sacrament, "we do not witness that we take upon us the name of Jesus Christ. [Rather], we witness that we are willing to do so. The fact that we only witness to our willingness suggests that something else must happen before we actually take that sacred name upon us in the [ultimate, and] most important sense." The baptismal covenant clearly contemplates a future event or events and looks forward to the temple.
  • "I will not suffer that [mine enemies] shall destroy my work; yea, I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil."
  • We should not be surprised by Satan's efforts to thwart or discredit temple worship and work. The devil despises the purity in and the power of the Lord's house. And the protection available to each of us in and through temple ordinances and covenants stands as a great obstacle to the evil designs of Lucifer.
Gary E. Stevenson -Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples
  • You are never lost when you can see the temple. The temple will provide direction for you and your family in a world filled with chaos. It is an eternal guidepost which will help you from getting lost in the "mist of darkness." It is the house of the Lord. It is a place where covenants are made and eternal ordinances are performed.
  • "As we touch the temple, the temple will touch us."
  • "You are never lost when you can see the temple."
Jose A. Teixeira -Gifts to Help Us Navigate Our Life
  • Our choices have the undeniable power of transforming our lives. This gift is an extraordinary sign of trust in us and simultaneously a cherished personal responsibility to use wisely. our Father in Heaven respects our freedom to choose and will never force us to do what is right, nor will He impede us from making mediocre choices. His invitation, however, concerning this important and vital gift is clearly expressed in the scriptures. "But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually' wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to o good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God."
  • Choices have consequences attached, which may or may not be manifested immediately after our decisions. Using the spiritual gifts we have been given is paramount in order to remain on the right course.
  • WE too have within us a "GPS" allowing us to know at all times what is right and what is wrong, as well as assisting us in making correct choices.
F. Michael Watson -His Servants, the Prophets
  • Sometimes we may not always be able to immediately find the desired way before us, but the wisdom of those who have gone before, coupled with the wisdom of those who are with us still, will be our guide if we let them have the reins.
L. Tom Perry -"Bring Souls unto Me"
  • As members of the Church, sometimes we seem to be missing in action.
  • "There is ... no substitute for a member-oriented proselyting program. Tracting will not substitute for it. Golden questions will not substitute for it. A member-oriented program is the key to success, and it works wherever we try it."
  • If you and I did more of the finding for the full-time missionaries and freed them up to spend more time teaching the people we find, great things would begin to happen. We're missing a golden opportunity to grow the Church when we wait for our full-time missionaries to warn our neighbors instead of doing it ourselves.
Thomas S. Monson -Until We Meet Again
  • To you parents, express your love to your children. Pray for them that they may be able to withstand the evils of the world. Pray that they may grow in faith and testimony. Pray that they may pursue lives of goodness and of service to others.
  • Children, let your parents know you love them. Let them know how much you appreciate all they have done and continue to do for you.
  • Now, a word of caution to all--both young and old, both male and female. We live at a time when the adversary is using every means possible to ensnare us in his web of deceit, trying desperately to take us down with him. There are many pathways along which he entices us to go-pathways that can lead to our destruction. Advances in many areas that can be used for goo can also be used to speed us along those heinous pathways.
  • Be strong. Be clean.

General Young Women's Conference

Ann M. Dibb -Be Thou an Example of the Believers
  • If you 'pass' classes and 'fail' character by being dishonest you have not learned the meaning of truth.
  • Be positive. Don't whine.
  • Show respect and refuse to mock others.
  • Express gratitude, especially to those closet to me.
Mary N. Cook -A Virtuous Life--Step by Step
  • Some of these mists of darkness, or temptations that Stan uses to obscure the path to eternal life, are specifically directed at women. He makes chastity and moral purity appear old-fashioned. He has made motherhood seem less important. He has been successful in confusing women about their roles in the Lord's divine plan.
  • Young women, we must be united in righteousness so that we may stand strong when others mock our actions and beliefs.
  • Stay away from situations where you are likely to be tempted, mocked, and scorned.
  • You may be mocked, you may have fingers pointed at you, you may have to stand alone, but please have the courage to withstand these temptations.
  • You must remember that you are not alone on this journey.
Elaine S. Dalton -Come Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord
  • Virtuous young men are attracted to virtuous young women.
  • Virtue is purity.
  • Never before has there been a greater need for virtue and purity in the world.
  • You are not common. You are not ordinary. You are daughters of God.
  • A woman should be queen of her own body.
  • If we don't stand for virtue, who will?
  • Stay high on the mountain.  You are God's precious daughters! Because of the knowledge of our divine identity, everything must be different for us: our dress, our language, our priorities, and our focus. We must not seek guidance from the world, and if our true identity has been clouded by mistakes or sins, we can change. We can turn around and repent and return to virtue.
  • To every man [and young woman] there comes ... that special moment when [they are] figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a special thing unique to [them]. ... What a tragedy if that moments finds [them] unprepared or unqualified for [that] which [could have been their] finest hour."
  • I truly believe that one virtuous young woman, led by the Spirit, can change the world.
Thomas S. Monson -May You Have Courage
  • I would venture to say that there are young women around you who, because of your unkind comments and criticism, are often left out. It seems to be the pattern, particularly at this time in your lives, to avoid or to be unkind to those who might be judged different, those who don't fit the mold of what we or others thing they should be.
  • The Savior said: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another. .... By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
  • "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
  • True love can alter human lives and change human nature.
  • My precious young sisters, I plead with you to have the courage to refrain from judging and criticizing those around you, as well as the courage to make certain everyone is included and feels loved and valued.
  • The commandments of our Heavenly Father are not negotiable!
  • "What Moses brought down from Mt. Sinai were not the Ten Suggestions, they are Commandments. Are, not were."
  • My sweet young sisters, maintain an eternal perspective. Be alert to anything that you rob you of the blessings of eternity.
  • "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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