Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Quiet Ending and A New Beginning

Today was a bit of a bittersweet day.

In that I said goodbye to one phone and hello to another.

I mean, I've had my previous phone for like three years now. Which, considering how fast technology advances, means that my little Nokia Lumia 928 was a bit on the ancient side. lol. 
But I loved my phone. It was easy to navigate I enjoyed the shape, the size, the camera.
I still love that phone. 
The only real drawback to it....was that it couldn't get Pokémon Go. Since for whatever reason, windows phones don't get that app. *exhales*

It's kinda a silly reason to get a new phone lol. 
But it was one of the main reasons why I finally bit the bullet.
Because many of my friends and family love playing the game.
And I was tired of being the odd man out. 
Plus...with a new phone, who knows what cool new things could be available to me? 
(One, I can now send GIFs!! woot!!) 

Still, I dithered on getting a new phone.
After all my old one still works fantastically. There's not even a crack in the screen, which for a 3 year old phone is amazing lol. My phone takes great pictures, and I loved a lot of things about it. I mean it still worked. Basically no issues. 
It was just that one game I really really wanted. lol. 

So, on a whim, the other day when I was out and about. I went into my provider's ground location to check out the phones in person. 
With basically three goals in mind.
a) Did it have the ability to get Pokémon Go?
b) How was it's camera and how many pictures could I take? After all when I go on vacation I can take like a thousand pictures. 
and c) Did texting allow me to do the swiping capability? 

Of course there's the other small details like Is it a good size, is it functional, can I use it without too much issue? Etc Etc. 

I even had a tech guy 'help' me out by suggesting phones that would give me these things.
And he ended up suggesting the Samsung, Apple, and Pixel brands. 
Samsung I was reluctant to go for because of the recall issues.
Apple unfortunately didn't have the swiping keyboard. 
Which left me to check out the Google Pixel.

I mean, there was another phone...the HTC 10 that I liked as well, but the guy kinda talked me out of it.
So I explored the Google Pixel.
and liked what I saw/beheld while I was playing around with it. 
I then went home and checked out the reviews given, among other things....

Which convinced me to finally bite the bullet.
And get myself a new phone. The Google Pixel. 

lol I have to admit for the past week I've been on pins and needles.
Both excited and not excited.
Because like I said, I like my old phone, and why would I choose to get a new phone when my old one works just fine?
It just feels like a....betrayal of sorts to stop using the phone that works just fine in favor of a newer model that gives me Pokémon Go. ;) lol 

But today.
Today was the comeuppance.
My new phone arrived.
Which meant...my old phone suddenly would not be needed any more. Poor thing.
Such a good faithful phone. Really I feel like a bit of a jerk for just up and stopping using it. 
We had a good 3 years together. That's for sure. ^^ 

In any case!

And I have to say it's pretty cool lol. 
Since I've spent like the rest of the day playing with it and getting used to it's quirks. It's a pretty cool phone. ^^ 
I can send GIFS now!!! 
I can play Pokémon Go with my roommates and family now!! ^^ 
And there's a bunch of other mini cool things. 
Like being able to double tap the surface of my phone to check the time. 
Or how much faster my apps upload and my internet works. 

It makes the trial of getting the thing activated in the first place totally worth it. ^^ 

Lol it's going to take me some time to get used to it all.
But so far I enjoy it. ^^ 

Now...I just need my phone case to show up a little bit faster so I can have my phone protected and I can be a little less paranoid about dropping it lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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