Saturday, July 1, 2017

From a Distance

I love fireworks. 
There's no hiding that fact about me this time of year. ^^ lol 
I love watching fireworks.
It's just a ton of fun and makes me happy watching. It's like Christmas lights but in the summer with explosions. ;) lol 

In any case. 
In CollegeTown there's always a really big fireworks display that happens around the 4th of July. 
Like huge stadium filled with people with some fancysmanshy singer singing songs and then a good half hour or so of huge fireworks afterwards. 

I've never been to it in person.
And only saw it from a distance once.

Because usually I'm out of town around the 4th for a family reunion. 

But this year our family reunion has been pushed back later in the month.
So I was actually around for this particular celebration! 

However, since I dislike crowds and loud noises....
Going to a huge stadium filled with people....
Wasn't my type of thing.

But I figured, since the fireworks are huge.
That I should be able to see them from nearby my home.
Since I live a little bit higher up in the valley, and my street isn't totally developed yet, I knew there was a big clear area where you could see the valley below, and therefore the fireworks. 

So when the time came I invited my roommates to come with me on an adventure. lol 
We quickly found the spot -as other cars were parked there as well- parked, and found a spot to sit on some large boulders nearby.

But since my roommates and I had never tried to watch the these particular fireworks from that spot before. Nor had I really seen them (my roomies have been to the event itself before) We were having trouble figuring out which set of fireworks we were seeing in the valley were the event's fireworks.

Turns out the ones we thought we were seeing for the event....weren't.
*shakes head* It's hard to tell distance in the dark. And since I haven't needed to find the location from a distance before.....we weren't sure what we were looking for.

We ended up showing up to our spot about 45 minutes early.
But since there were fireworks all over the valley, we hadn't realized that the event's fireworks hadn't started yet.
We realized pretty quickly when giant fireworks started exploding in the sky nearer than the others had. ^^
Plus there were ground flares and other things, definitely proving that this was the event we were looking for.

And ah.
It was so fun to watch. ^^
I love fireworks.

I'll probably be more prepared next year if I'm around for the event and pick a slightly better spot.
But it was great seeing the fireworks all the same. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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