Saturday, July 22, 2017

Short Shift

There's one thing I miss about school.
And it's the opportunities to leave school. 

Let me explain.
It's the opportunities to go into school later than normal.
To leave earlier than normal.
To have random days off of school due to holidays.
To be able to leave if a teacher fails to show or if the teacher decides to cancel class that day.
It's an amazing feeling.

Just to be able to lessen the amount of time you spend in school basically. 

With a job.
That doesn't happen.
Not really.
If the manager fails to show up it's not like you can just leave and call it a day. (I mean you could, but then that might be a mark against you whenever the manager does show up.) 
It's not like work -well retail work- will randomly go. "We're closing today! Have a fun day off." 

Nor is it common for you to be told. "Oh hey, you're scheduled to come in this time, but you can come in at this time instead." or "Hey, you're scheduled to leave at this time, but we're good here so you can leave early." 

I do know that there are stores that do that.
Mine doesn't.
There are very few opportunities to leave work early or come in late.

Mostly when it does happen it's because there's a need to cut back the hours that have been accrued during the week.

Today was one of those rare days though.
The days of early outs. 

I mean, I was already pretty happy with this week, because I'd been scheduled shorter shifts so I haven't been at work for 8 hours everyday. 
And after working like a month and a half of 40 hour work weeks....
I'm super grateful for the shorter days I'm currently having lol.
Sometimes it's only by half an hour from my normal "get off at this time" time.
But you'd be surprised how much of a difference thirty minutes can make to your mental state lol. 
I've been able to relax a bit more -and after being rather on the tense side for the past couple of weeks, it's nice to have a week where I'm less tense.

In any case.
Today. I was already scheduled a shorter shift. Only six hours at work. 
Which for having to work a Saturday is basically a miracle lol. You don't usually ask people to leave early on the weekend. :S

But. My manager pulled me aside after I was done with a customer, and told me that I was over my scheduled hours.
...By half an hour.

Which compared to some people who are apparently two hours or more over their scheduled hours...isn't much lol. 
But it's one of those weeks where we're watching our hours a bit more apparently.
So because I was 'over' my hours, my manager wanted me to cut out that half hour.
Which meant that they wanted me to leave work early. 

Only one small slight problem.
I still needed to take a lunch.

Because if you work over a certain amount of hours, you're given a lunch break which is thirty minutes. And six hours does give me a lunch break.
But I hadn't been able to take it yet because again, work scheduled me no one in my department until after noon. :S 

So when the manager pulled me aside...I'd been planning to finally take my lunch....because I'd had coverage finally come in. was a later lunch time than usual for me.
So if I went on lunch right then....when I would clock back into work...I'd only have like half an hour before I'd need to clock out again to 'leave early' like the manager wanted.

So the manager took a couple of seconds to think it over and basically told me to wait for another 15 minutes or so and then clock out an hour early.
Basically I would leave for lunch and not come back. Because I'd have the half hour lunch and then leave the half hour early.

I mean I was already happy that I had a short shift on a Saturday.
But now I was leaving work an hour earlier than planned!!!
So excited about that you can't understand it lol. :D 

Because early outs are rare for me. Super rare. Basically whenever the managers decide to be paranoid about how many hours people are working do I get to leave work early.

So this.
This was nice. ^^
Yay for short days. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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