Sunday, July 9, 2017

Web Invasion

It's kinda the situation of having a tiny rock in your shoe. 
It's something that's irritating, but shouldn't be that big of a deal.
After all it's a tiny rock.

Yet, overtime that irritation grows. And the tiny rock suddenly feels like a large boulder that's antagonizing your feet. 

*shakes head* 

One of those mini 'non problems' I've been dealing with the past couple of weeks ago....

Is Spiders.

Usually nothing to worry about.
I see them at work on occasion -especially when they decide to invade work. 
But at home, my home has been a safe spot away from spiders. Where I haven't had to worry about running across one at all.

Until I have.

It seems like with the dropping of the pollen on the ground has come the invasion of spiders in our house.

Which is the weirdest thing.
I mean, we haven't had a problem with them since we moved in.
Most likely because we sprayed and put up a protective barrier around our house to keep the spiders out.

Which must have worn off. 
Because this past month.
We've been invaded by them.

Not like a 'must burn down the house invaded' where there are spiders everywhere.

But we have been finding more spiders than I'd care for. 

And they're not in handy dark corners where I'm finding most of these spiders.
No. They're in places where I'm at constantly.

Like suddenly having a spider crawling out onto the couch you're sitting on. :S -It's happened at least four times to me and my roomies.

Or finding three or four spiders at different times in the stairwell on the walls. A stairwell I go up and down constantly. 

Then there's the creepy ones in my bathroom. 
Where I've seen a couple go under the vanity, found one with his little earwig buddy IN my bathtub, where a spider honestly shouldn't be able to climb into but did, and then like two nights ago I saw one disappear by the toilet, and now I can only imagine that it's hiding out somewhere near there waiting to attack me. *shudders*

And NOW. Just BARELY I discovered a spider crawling around on my BED. 
How am I supposed to sleep now? Now that I know there's been a spider on my bed.
Wondering if there's more hiding somewhere in the covers.
Feeling like they're crawling on my head, or feeling them brush against my bare skin.

Can you see why I'm feeling a bit jumpy in my house?
Because all my safe zones where I shouldn't be having spiders lurking...I've found spiders.

And it's like this back burner anxiety/tension causer that's one of the many little things that I've been 'quietly' anxious about. It's been stressing me out.
Where am I going to find another one?

Honestly, I probably won't be able to relax again until I've gone a month or so without seeing the creepy crawlies wandering about. 

And because I can't fully relax with this back burner worry currently in it's 'highly paranoid' state.
It's only adding to the mound of other 'little rocks' that I'm currently dealing with.
Making it all much more understandable why I've been on the more tense/stressed out side of things currently.


Let's just blame the heat.
The heat makes everything worse. 
Brings the spiders into my cool dark domain. >.< 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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