Sunday, July 30, 2017

Need A Ride?

So, I've been trying to get into a gym like this entire week.
No, not an actual exercise gym. ;) lol a Pokémon Gym.
But it's rather hard to do because I'm team Instinct and yellow gyms when I do find them in the sea of mostly Blue and some red gyms....usually are completely filled when I find them. *exhales* 

So today at church, I noticed there was a small yellow gym!! And so once I got out, I headed over that way to go finally get a pokemon into it....only for the last slot to fill up just as I reached it. >.< foo.

In any case, I was heading back over to my car to head home, when I saw that there was a pokemon I hadn't caught yet located just a parking lot over from my car. -I go to church on a college campus so that place is littered with parking lots.
I did find and catch that one...
lol and I happened to be texting people at the same time I was 'hunting' around.
So I happened to pause on the sidewalk like ten feet away from my car. And I was just standing there. 

When a car pulls up and one of the people from my ward asked if I needed a ride home.
Because they noticed I wasn't with my roommates today. 
(roomies were with their families today so I went to church alone) 
So they were wondering if I had come with them and then needed a ride home.

No....I'd driven myself so I was perfectly capable of coming home whenever I wanted to. lol. 
But I wasn't about to tell them. "No, I was just pokemon hunting." because who knows how they'd take that. lol. 

So I just told my wardmate that I was 'enjoying the heat/sunshine'
Which...since I was standing in the shade....I wonder how much they believed 
Thankfully I don't think they know me well enough to realize that I really don't like the heat. 
(it's been waaaay too hot.) 

So I told them I was fine, and they took off. 
Only for like maybe two minutes later another of my wardmates stopped in their car nearby where I was standing and asked if I needed a ride home. lol.

Apparently standing on the edge of the parking lot after church indicates that I need a ride home or something?? lol. 
Again I reassured the kind person that I was fine, I had my car, I was just 'enjoying the sunshine' *coughpokemonhuntingcough* 

But I figured I shouldn't have a third person stop and ask me if I needed a ride.
So I finished my text conversation and headed to my hot car to head home. lol.

Still I appreciate that there are people in the ward who are aware of me enough to double check that I have a way to get back home. ^^ It's good to know that if I do end up trapped at church without a car, I can ask for help and receive it. :) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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