Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Random Customer

Well....I feel silly.

So, today at work, I was going about helping customers right?
I was focused on bagging the goldfish a customer wanted,
but also thinking about how I only had like an hour left of my shift.
Then I could go home.
When this guy in sunglasses and a white jacket came up to me and asked
"Excuse me, but what kind of fish is this?"
He had a deeper voice, but I didn't think much of it.
"That's a goldfish" I said.
"Are you sure?" he asked taking off his sunglasses.
"Yes." I turned to gesture to the wall of fish, these are all goldfish.
I turned around to see this stranger staring at me wide eyed with a foolish grin.
I kinda stared back thinking 'This guy is kinda being creepy, is he slow of thought or something?'
And then it clicked.
He wasn't slow of thought.
I was.
For before me...stood....
My Brother.

lol it's pretty sad that I didn't recognize my own brother when he dropped by for a visit. lol. He and Kikay cracked up laughing when they saw the lightbulb flash in my eyes. -Kikay had hidden out of sight. -and Meralto had changed his voice to sound more 'important' so I didn't really get that it was his voice. ^^;;
Oops. lol.
"At least you do know your fish." My brother laughingly said as I gave him a hug. heh. I have to say...I think his hair cut threw me off.
He got it cut really short, almost like a buzz. He called it a "missionary haircut." could say his 'disguise' completely fooled me lol. As the last time I saw him he had it a couple of inches longer.

That...and I really don't expect to see my brother at my work since he doesn't live nearby.
I had known that he was coming down to visit and do stuff with Kikay, but I didn't think to see him until after work.
lol. And what I don't expect to see....I really don't see.
That or I can say...I'd been up since 4am and it was past lunch I was hungry and tired....
Yah...whatever the reason...I didn't recognize him.

I really have no idea what clued me into me recognizing him...
I think he smiled or something and the pieces fell into place, or I saw Kikay...No I think I saw Kikay afterwards. Perhaps he started laughing or something.
In any case...he got me.
I'm glad he took it well. I think he got a kick out of it actually. Being able to fool his own sister...

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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