Saturday, April 27, 2013

Moving Day!!!

Talk about exhausting!!
Do you know how much effort it takes to move?
Alot of effort.

And in the matter how well you still have no idea where most of your stuff is among all the boxes. ;) haha.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I moved!
Do you know how freaking crazy/scary/awesome/woweeeness it is?!

It's like all of the above.

I mean.
For one...I had to pack up my room.
And with work...I had like two 8 hour shifts two days before I was supposed to move.
Graduation Ceremonies to get to.
And only like a day and a half to do it!
But I managed.

lol. I'm supremely thankful that Kikay is staying in my old apartment (as she is/was my roomie) so I could 'leave' some things behind as a) I didn't have room for it and b) didn't know what to do with it yet.
It allowed me to focus on getting my bedroom, and half of the bathroom squeaky clean.
While allowing me to leave most of the kitchen and living room stuff behind.
As I wanted to see what my new roommates would have in the new kitchen and living room, as I didn't want to bring a bunch of stuff that was already there. :)

I got everything packed. -In the end just throwing things in boxes and hoping a cute boy would walk by and help me carry the heavier boxes. :) lol.
(One HA!)

But I'm also glad that Kikay was there....
as she was the one who ended up moving me...basically.
As she is the stronger of us.
-Kinda makes sense....she's she must be stronger right? lol.

But luckily we/she/I was able to save her arms from totally being pulled from their sockets all black and blue, by a helpful girl walking by who told us that the new office had a trolley that we could use.
Totally Amazing!
I mean Kikay and I had to take like six bazillion trips up and down the elevator of my new place...carrying one box at a time....because I didn't have the strength to do it myself.
It took SOOOO much time.
And then at my new place...we just stuff all the boxes and things on the trolley and One trip later....everything is upstairs!

Total benefit to my new place.
Trolley access. :D
lol...I wonder if I could use it to bring groceries up four flights of stairs....
meh...that's what the elevator is for I suppose.

-That is a difference for sure.
Instead of just going up one flight of stairs...
I now have four. :S
Sooo I've kinda gotten into the habit of walking down the four, and riding the elevator back up the four. lol.

In any case...
It's so weird being in a new place!
I mean I lived at my old place for Five Years!
And to suddenly be in a new place.
Totally felt like I was heading off for my first year of college again.
Odd as it was a year ago that I graduated from college.

But everything is different!
I mean the rooms are smaller.
With less shelf space...
which means I have to pick and choose what knick knacks to bring out of my boxes.
I'm going to be doing a lot of picking and choosing actually....
But I suppose that's good as it allows me to set things up differently.
Give my room a new vibe.

lol I just need to get the energy to do so.
Right now...
I've only unpacked one box.
My bed stuff.
Soo...I could actually sleep on my bed. lol.

Now...why do you ask....did I move?
Because I felt like I was stuck in a rut.
Kinda how I felt after graduating from High School.
I was secure in my situation...but stagnant.
I needed to do something different to get me out of my 'calm quiet place'
Plus...I couldn't really connect with my wardies anymore.
I mean...after 5 years...I'm the 'oldest' person living in the complex.
-Not in age...just in time consecutively living most people only stay two years or so...I'm ancient. lol.
And with most of my ward being the 18 and 19 year old freshmen from college...and most of them going on missions now. (The Bishop told us that 25% of ward has received the call to go on a mission)
It's not really the ideal situation to make friends.
As they will be leaving in a month or two anyway it seemed like.
Sooo I chose a different place.
One that hopefully has more of the social aspect of get togethers.
As it seemed like my old place...had become rather closed off.
Probably my introverted point of view...but it was my point of view. ;) lol.

In anycase.
I took the plunge...and moved. :)
I did have a moment of "WHAT AM I DOING?!?!!  I'M SO CRAZY!!!"
When I met two of my roomies...
as they're different from my other roomies.
But meeting the third.... I relaxed again as she had a sort of personality I could connect to.
lol. I haven't said much more than "Hi my name is Sarnic, what's yours" to them....barely seen them actually. So I don't know them well yet...or how long they're we haven't talked much.
But yah.
Fun stuff.
It's going to be an interesting adjustment. drive to work has gone from 2 mins to 10-15mins depending on traffic. :S

Still...I'm liking the place.
Even if I'm going to procrastinate packing for a couple of days in order to recuperate and recover (my immune system shut down a little bit so I'm not feeling well)
from all the packing and stress and cleaning that I had to do last week.
Let's just hope I can find what I need without having to dig through too many boxes in the mean time. ;) lol..

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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