Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scrolling Dots of Sound

Some you play once, and never play again. just can't seem to stop playing.
Even when your eyes a bleary and your hand hurts.
You can't stop playing.
To the point where when you do close your eyes, you see the game before you,
and you continue to play it mentally.

Kikay introduced me to a new game the other day.
:) It hasn't quite got to the point of 'I can see it when I close my eyes" yet.
But I'm probably getting close.

It's an App. Called Magic Piano.

The basic premise is that there are glowing dots scrolling down the screen.
You hit the dot.
And a note is struck.
Hit the wrong dot, and the wrong sound is heard out of order.

Soo it's Guitar Hero or Dance Dance Revolution, but with your fingers,
where you tap the dots with 1-4 fingers (depending on difficulty and song)
and depending on how many you get right depends on how high of a score you get. :)

It's a ton of fun!
My favorite is called "Dance Thief"
It gets stuck in my head alot since I started playing this game.
To the point, where I'm seriously considering finding a piano and figuring it out to play it there instead of only on an app lol :)

I would recommend checking it out!
You know...if you're the music, tapping the music type of person. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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