Saturday, February 8, 2014

Here's The New Goal

Now What?

Don't worry, I already have another Goal I'm working on for 2014. :) And it's not as crazily long as my 2012 Goal. lol

Back in my first year of reading, I had played with the idea of going back and reading the talks from before the year of my birth all the way back to the first downloadable conference (April 1971)
But really, I have no desire to do so. At all.
It's time to do something different.
To use my breaks at work to do something different. books and write at least. ;) lol
To focus on some other churchy goal.
But what?

Luckily, my Single's Ward took care of that for me.
I've already been working on a different goal.
That of reading the Book of Mormon in a semester.
As a ward, it was decided we would do this, and conveniently they provided us with fresh copies of the Book of Mormon to do so.
It was like a breath of fresh air to me. I've been doing electronic scripture stuff for sooo long, it felt really good to get back into the paper back version.

And really, my years of marking conference talks, makes it so that I'm not at all opposed to marking up stuff in the book provided. Especially when my ward provides the colored pencils. ;) haha.
For you see, the ward didn't want us to just read the Book of Mormon. They wanted us to read and mark it. Mark specific things.
They wanted us to mark these four things:
1. Every time Christ's name is mentioned.
2. Every time we saw 'thus saith the Lord.'
3. Attributes of Christ.
4. Doctrine and Principles of Christ.

While I liked the idea of marking things in four different colors...I'm more of a 'point me and I will do' sort of person instead of a 'discover on your own' type. Why? Because I want to mark the 'right things' so the 'vagueness' of 3 and 4 without the specific pointers of 1 and 2...left me leery of doing them.
Soo I haven't. I've made the goal my own, and decided to mark different things.

Green. 1. Mark every time I see Christ (and his many 'nicknames')/God/Lord/Holy Spirit etc. -as really sometimes it's difficult to tell some of those apart. ;) lol While also marking whenever the lord speaks. (so I combined 1&2 together)
Blue. 2. Highlight words I like. i.e. Faith, Charity, Believe, Righteousness, and Knowledge. (so this is kinda number 3 up above.)
Purple. 3. Mark whatever I find interesting. Passages I like, things that stick out to me, phrases that inspire ideas for stories.Anything.
and finally
Red. 4. Dating related scriptures.

;) Some of you may be going 'Huh?' to number 4. Let me explain. I'm taking an institute class this semester titled 'Dating and Courtship.' And my teacher wants us to go through the scriptures and see what we can find that we can relate to relationships/dating.
This is allowing me to practice 'relating obscure stuff to something else' technique. ;) lol. Though I'm not marking scriptures that I can only purely relate to Dating. I'm also using Red to mark scriptures that highlight things I want to be like when I get married, attributes I'd like in a husband, ideas for how to keep marriages strong, how to raise my kids. etc.

Can I say it's been fun?
Because it has. lol a bit crazy because for the past month I've been both reading Conference Talks and Marking up the Book of Mormon.
But seriously, I'm enjoying it. It's already bringing insights into my life.
Like...I never realized how often Number 1 is mentioned. O.o Like Every. Single. Page. Crazy!

Plus, I get to color! ;D haha. I'm already making plans for a second reread of the BoM using different colors to mark other things....but we'll see how I feel by the end of this goal.

In any case.
One Goal Finished.
Another One Started. ^^
Woot! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved an old western mining/tent town, the railroad being built and the engine going on a crazy spree where it flew off the tracks and skidded sideways almost causing damage, because this 'new creation' was a 'new creation' and still had problems. There was also a guy kinda in charge of it, who was punished for the mishap by being turned into an eagle...

Then the unholy tones of the daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. ;)


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