Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Almost Bug Out

To continue the work vein of blog posts....

I was once again at work, going crazy. Because seriously, there were like a gazillion people in the store. Why? It's the weekend of course. The Day after a Holiday. And among all else, the Friday people probably didn't come in due to Valentine's day. In any case. We were swamped. Animals everywhere because we had a ton of dogs and cats looking to be adopted. People everywhere looking to get animals or stuff for animals.

In any case we somehow had managed to all be busy with customers. So busy in fact.
That apparently a guy walked into the store.
Saw we were all busy.
And proceeded to bag his own crickets.
With none of us noticing.
And walk up to the register to pay for them. (surprise! He tried to pay for them.)

Well, on the bag he'd written: 40 Large Crickets.

He didn't have that many crickets in the bag.
And our cashier noticed it.

Apparently he had like 250 crickets in that bag.

And so the guy got caught.
The extra crickets were returned to their rightful home.
And all was right in the world. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Congrats Olympic Medalists!

15 Medals - Russia
14 Medals - Netherlands, United States
13 Medals - Norway
12 Medals - Germany, Canada
8 Medals - Sweden
7 Medals - Switzerland, Austria
5 Medals - China, Japan, Slovenia, Italy
4 Medals - Poland, Belarus, France
3 Medals - South Korea, Czech Republic, Latvia
2 Medals - Finland, Australia
1 Medal - Slovakia, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

May the competition be just as fierce tomorrow!

The Dream

I was playing a game at a family bbq that involved a bird trying to get all the eggs from other birds while also making the other birds fall to the ground. I wasn't doing that great, I kept dying. But things took a real life turn where I was on this ostrich bird, and we had to follow the footprints left by an ancestor to get through a series of ruins. We didn't have to stay on the path, we jumped from walls to other walls as well as staying on the path, always in search of other footprints. Yet, the stakes rose when walking through a loosely built wall -the stones were stacked on strings or something- we disturbed the monster of the ruins. Namely.  A T-rex. He began chasing us, and while I tried to follow the footprints still, the path got all muddled with one set of prints ending and other sets beginning and backtracking on each other. I ended up jumping out of bounds to the very edge of the rocks of the floor. Then through a series of adrenaline filled jumps I went from stump of tree to giant stump of tree. Until I was on a stump of a tree that had to be at least 5 stories up. There I had to somehow defeat the T-rex coming to eat me. I kept hearing encouragement that I would defeat him, but I had a lot of doubt. I mean, an Itouch isn't going to do much. Still I pulled out a handful of odds and ends -walnut shells and other organic matter- from my pocket as well as a tangled up sling shot. I quickly got everything in order and started taking shots at the T-rex, hitting him everytime. Of course, with such small ammunition, it didn't have an effect on his attack. So I pulled out two cats from my spacious pants pockets, and dropped one on T-rex's furry head. (he ended up with reddishbrown fur/scales) The cat automatically attacked, and the T-rex turned away trying to swat. I dropped the second cat down to him, but he had turned far enough away from the tree that the cat just plummeted straight down to the ground, but the cat was okay on landing and went to attack the T-rex's giant feet, causing the t-rex to fall to the ground, and basically meaning that I'd won. He'd been defeated. And I, I had two lovely ladies waiting for me to make the jump back to the next tree so that they could celebrate...though they were a bit...well, I'd used them to win, and they weren't happy about it. However, with the adrenaline gone, I was totally terrified of trying to make the jump and I couldn't really see a way down. And on the bad part, was that I accidentally sent my Ipod over the edge to have it tumble to the ground before. I hoped that the new case would keep it in one piece though I had my doubts. Then one of the girl's mentioned her boy, and I said he was fine, just taking care of the monkey, which cut to a scene of a 12 year old trying to convince my monkey pet that he needed to go to his own bedroom -an actual bedroom, with a bed and everything, though the main bed was a small cat bed on top of a dresser, and he wasn't succeeding in doing so....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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