Friday, May 16, 2014

A New Hero

I dislike summer.
Odd as that is, since my birthday happens to fall in summer....

Okay, overall, I actually am alright with summer. I mostly dislike the 'hot' hot temperatures. Like....anything over 80 degrees.

However, there is something else I really really really dislike about summer.

All the shows on tv....end.
They have their grand finales in the spring time,
and walla!
Nothing until Fall.

I've never understood this logic.
I mean, it's SUMMER
As in. Hey look, All the kids from elementary to college don't have school!
Which means, hey, they can stay up late, they have a ton of free time...
Why not do the good shows during the summer when people have Time to watch it?

Instead. We get reruns.
On the bright side, that means more time outside, more time socializing, more vacations.....

But I bring up this topic for one simple reason.
There's a new show coming out.
....In the fall.
As in, not during the summer. >.<

But it's looking awesome!
And if you're into super heroes. It might just be your type of show!

And it's a tv show, that's going to be about one of my favorite supers.

The Flash.

....You mean the guy that just runs really fast?

Don't ask me why I like him.
I'm not sure, there was just something that caught my attention...and I just like him.

Sooo excited. I mean, I've been waiting forever for a Flash movie to come out,
But a TV series?
Ohhhhh I hope it's good.

And I have no reason to believe otherwise.
As the same guys who made the Arrow TV Series (The Green Arrow, Superhero, My current favorite TV show....which also isn't running over the summer >.< grrr.)
Are in charge of making The Flash.

And so far. :)
It looks good!
I can't wait!

Here's what I'm talking about. :D

Cool right?
I think it's super cool ^^
Plus, The Arrow is in it!! :D
-Fun fact, Flash -before he was flash- was introduced on Arrow for a couple of episodes in season 2. So it's super great that the Arrow has a part in Flash as well. ^^
It leaves the door wide open for crossovers and such.

Sooo while you're waiting for The Flash,
You can always spend the summer watching the 2 seasons of Arrow. ^^

I can't wait! ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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