Sunday, May 4, 2014

Secret Food

Secret Recipes.

They're part of nearly every meal that requires more than three ingredients to prepare it.
Whether it's a big food chain, or a small family's recipe.
They're what make food contests interesting.

And the other day,
I was able to learn two secret recipes. ^^

Lol, don't get your hopes of up, I'm not going to reveal them here.
O.o How would it stay secret if  I did that?? lol.

But I did find it fun to actually do a bit of 'real' cooking. Where you have to chop up, cook, mix in, and spice up in order to make it into 'real food.'

Honestly, I think cooking would be my style.
Adding in different ingredients.
Experimenting to see what tastes good, what mixtures go well together, what ingredient needs a little more or a little less for next time...
I could have a lot of fun with that!

Only....I have a problem.
Most meals make food for like 5 or 6 people at least.
-Granted it does depend on a variety of factors. Some meals meant for 6 could be enough for one very hungry boy after all. ;) lol
But me, being those of the 'smaller portion' type of eater....I can't eat the 'family meals'
And guess what...most prepared meals are family meals.
>.< Which limits me to Sunday Dinners with Friends/Family.

Okay, there is a 'make it and eat it as leftovers for a year.....but that's a bad option for me as I don't always eat left overs. lol.

In any case.
I pity my future family.
As they will probably be forced to eat whatever concoctions I can come up with. ;) lol.

And it maybe, just maybe will involve the recipes I just barely learned. ^^

Haha, of course, I may tweak them a bit. Add in more stuff that I like lots of cheese. Cheese is good. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There were three characters, and I asked them who wanted to be Character 1, 2, and 3.
A guy volunteered to be Character 2. Another guy volunteered to be Character 3, and the last character said "Well, guess that means I'm Character 1." She sounded like the bossy 'leadership' sort.


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