Monday, September 7, 2015

April 2006 General Conference -Sundary Afternoon

M. Russell Ballard -Creating a Gospel-Sharing Home
  • Our love for the Lord and appreciation for the Restoration of the gospel are all the motivation we need to share what gives us much joy and happiness. It is the most natural thing in the world for us to do, and yet far too many of us are hesitant to share our testimonies with others.
  • If you are truly motivated by love and testimony and gratitude, you will quite naturally do all that you can to assist the Lord in "[bringing] to pass the immortality and eternal life" of our Father's children. In fact, it would be impossible to keep you from doing it.
  • Gospel-sharing homes are very ordinary. They may not always be spotlessly clean nor the children perfectly behaved. But they are a place in which family members clearly love each other, and the Spirit of the Lord is felt by those who visit.
  • A gospel-sharing home is not a program. It is a way of life. Creating a gospel-sharing home means inviting our friends and neighbors into the ongoing flow of family and Church activities. As we invite our friends to join us for these activities, they will also feel the Spirit.
  • Creating a gospel-sharing home does not mean that we are going to have to dedicate large amounts of time to meeting and cultivating friends with whom to share the gospel. These friends will come naturally into our lives, and if we are open about our membership in the Church from the very beginning, we can easily bring gospel discussions into the relationship with very little risk of being misunderstood. Friends and acquaintances will accept that this is part of who we are, and they will feel free to ask questions.
  • A gospel-sharing home is not defined by whether or not people join the Church as a result of our contact with them. Our opportunity and responsibility are to care, to share, to testify, to invite, and then to allow individuals to decide for themselves. We are blessed when we have invited them to consider the Restoration, regardless of the outcome. At the very least, we have a rewarding relationship with someone from another faith, and we can continue to enjoy their friendship.
Richard G. Scott -Now Is the Time to Serve a Mission!
  • Children are best taught gospel truths in the home where instruction can be adapted to the age and capacity of each child. In the home the whole armor of truth is tailor fit to the individual characteristics of each child.
  • "Worthy single women ages twenty-one and older ... may be recommended to serve full-time missions. ... These sisters can make a valuable contribution ... ,but they should not be pressured to serve. Bishops should not recommend them for missionary service if it will interfere with imminent marriage prospects."
  • You will never regret serving a mission, but you most probably will regret not serving if that is your choice.
David R. Stone -Zion in the Midst of Babylon
  • Evil is coming toward us, whether or not we have an early-warning system.
  • Too many of the people of the world have come to resemble the Babylon of old by walking in their own ways, and following a god "whose image is in the likeness of the world."
  • All too often, we are like puppets on a string, as our culture determines what is "cool."
  • We can create the real Zion among us by limiting the extent to which Babylon will influence our lives.
  • "The world is too much with us."
  • We have always been entranced by tales of courage of those who faced fearsome odds and overcame. Courage is the basis and foundation for all of our other virtues; the lack of courage diminishes every other virtue that we have. If we are to have Zion in the midst of Babylon, we will need courage.
  • Make no mistake about it: much of Babylon, if not most of it, is evil.
  • We do not need to become as puppets in the hands of the culture of the place and time. We can be courageous and can walk in the Lord's paths and follow His footsteps. And if we do, we will be called Zion, and we will be the people of the Lord.
Robert S. Wood -Instruments of the Lord's Peace
  • The first casualties of human wrath are truth and understanding. James counseled that we be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God."
  • We need to raise the level of private and public discourse. We should avoid caricaturing the positions of others, constructing "straw men," if you will, and casting unwarranted aspersions on their motivations and character.
  • "Whenever your politics cause you to speak unkindly of your brethren, know this, that you are upon dangerous ground."
  • "This is not a militant church to which we belong. This is a church that holds out peace to the world. It is not our duty to go into the world and find fault with others, neither to criticize men because they do not understand. But it is our privilege, in kindness and love, to go among them and divide with them the truth that the Lord has revealed in this latter day."
  • We cannot afford to be caught up in a world prone to give and to take offense.
  • We can give our opinions on the merit of the situations as we see it, but never let us become a party to words or works of evil concerning our brothers and sisters in various nations on one side or the other. Political differences never justify hatred or ill will.
H. Bruce Stucki -Prayer, Faith, and Family: Stepping-Stones to Eternal Happiness
  • "As we offer unto the Lord our family and our personal prayers, let us do so with faith and trust in him. ... If any of us has been slow to hearken to the counsel to pray always, there is no finer hour to begin than now."
Joseph B. Wirthlin -The Abundant Life
  • First, they drink deeply of living waters.
  • "The Lord has not given us the gospel that we may go around mourning all the days of our lives."
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a religion of mourning and gloom. The faith of our fathers is one of hope and joy. It is not a gospel of chains but a gospel of wings.
  • The second quality of those who live abundant lives is that they fill their hearts with love.
  • The third quality of those who live abundant lives is that they, with the help of their Heavenly Father, create a masterpiece of their lives.
  • No matter our age, circumstances, or abilities, each one of us can create something remarkable of his life.
  • There is a spark of greatness within every one of us--a gift from our loving and eternal Heavenly Father. What we do with that gift is up to us.
  • Create of your life a masterpiece.
  • The abundant life isn't something we arrive at. Rather, it is a magnificent journey that began long, long ages ago and will never, never end.
  • Who knows of what we are capable if we only try?
Gordon B. Hinckley -Until Again We Meet
  • May our labors in our many Church responsibilities be not burdensome, but rather may they bring joy and satisfaction.

General Young Women's Conference

Susan W. Tanner -"I am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up"
  • Good home life often goes unrecognized. It might be easier to "arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations" rather than that your light may be a standard for your own families. Sometimes others don't see us doing good, sharing our light in our individual homes. It is basic human nature to desire and seek praise and attention.
  • Good works should not be done for the purpose of receiving recognition.
  • Homes are also private places, so unfortunately, we often let down. In our homes and with our families we sometimes become our worst selves with the people who matter the most in our lives.
Julie B. Beck -You  Have a Noble Birthright
  • You are in a season of your life when you are making some of your most important decisions. Because you are being bombarded with so many incorrect messages about who you are, you need some additional guidance. You can learn more about your life and mission on earth and the light that is in you by preparing to receive and then studying your patriarchal blessing.
  • You are never too young to start learning about patriarchal blessings. I am glad I received my blessing before I was too heavily influenced by the confusing and incorrect messages in the world. I came away from that experience with the comforting assurance that the Lord loved me and knew me, and from that day onward I began to think more often in terms of eternity than popularity.
  • Your bishop and parents can help you decide when the right time is for you, because the age and readiness are different for each person.
  • Just like the early Saints, you can regard your patriarchal blessing as your own "personal scripture."
  • That each patriarchal blessing is inspired, "personal revelation from God." Each is "a star to follow, ... an anchor to our souls." They reveal our capabilities and potential.
  • Our blessings are a "[paragraph] from the book of [our] possibilities."
  • Because a patriarchal blessing is not meant to be a  prediction of all that will occur in the life of the recipient, we should seek and follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost to receive greater understanding for our course in life.
  • When we know how we are and what we are supposed to do, it is easier to make important decisions about education, careers, and marriage. It is easier to shine our light in our families, with our friends, and in all other places.
  • When you know who you are and what you should be doing with your life, you don't want to hide your light.
  • Your patriarchal blessing should inspire you to make changes in your life when they are needed. It contains promises that you can receive only through your faithfulness. If you are not faithful, you cannot plan on your blessing being fulfilled.
Elaine S. Dalton -It Shows in Your Face
  • You are making a difference.
  • Your very nature reflects your divine heritage and destiny. The fact that you were born a girl is not by chance. Your divine characteristics will be magnified as you lead others and arise to your divine potential.
James E. Faust -Your Light--a Standard to All Nations
  • Sisters, don't be afraid to be different in our century!
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi

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