Friday, September 9, 2016

Six Years Later

I don't know if I ever thought I would last this long.
I mean, I did think that if I started this thing, I would keep it up.

But lots of things start out that way.
The ideal is to keep it going for forever.
Yet, time marches on. Interests change. Life happens. And things that were important...fall by the wayside.

So to say in the least that I've managed to keep up this blog almost daily for six years.
That's rather impressive.

I believe the only other thing I've managed to consistently keep up on for that long (besides school) is my journaling. lol.

I suppose there's just a part of me that can't say no to writing. lol.
And a blog is an excellent place to write down my thoughts, musings, insights, etc.
A place where I can feel both like I'm writing to just myself, yet know that others could be reading this blog post as soon as I post it. :)

Six years.
Six years of blogging.
lol That's a long time.

And I'm happy that I've managed to keep it up.
Honestly at this point, I can't see myself not blogging consistently.
Of I said earlier. That can always change.

But for now.
I'm going to keep it up. ^^

So whether you're visiting here for the first time.
Followed me since the beginning.
Or came somewhere in the middle.

Thanks for being there! :)

For the usual Blogaversary post.
An update on my stats!
Because who doesn't like looking at a bunch or numbers? ;) lol

In the past 6 years.

I've done 2142 posts. (including this one)
Which so far has garnered me 41,658 pageviews.
Which means if I were to get the same amount of views for every post I post....I would be getting around 19 pageviews a day. lol.
Of course that's not accurate. Some days it's only 1 view, other days it's in the 60s.
And to which post will get more views....who knows. lol

Currently the top ten most popular posts of mine are:

The Last Yellow Rose -posted Apr262011- with 1258 views
Broken Teeth -posted Nov22011- with 673 views
Game Night -posted Mar152014- with 473 views
181st Saturday Conference Highlights -posted Apr22011- with 172 views
When Risks Pay Off -posted Nov302012- with 81 views
Oh Cleaning Checks, How Much I Don't Miss You -posted Sep112012 -with 72 views
My Talkk -posted Apr152015 -with 57 views
Thought o'da Day -posted Mar52011 -with 56 views
:( :( -posted Mar112011 -with 38 views
and To Talk On Sunday -posted Aug172014 -with 37 views. :)

The most popular browsers you guys are using go as follows:
Firefox -37%
Internet Explorer -26%
Chrome -16%
Safari -13%
Opera -5%
PhantomJS -< 1%
Mobile Safari -< 1%
BingPreview -< 1%
chromeframe -< 1%
OS;FBSV -< 1%

With the most popular Operating Systems being:
Windows: 75%
Macintosh: 8%
Linux: 5%
iPad: 3%
iPod: 3%
Android: < 1%
iPhone: < 1%
Unknown: < 1%
Other Unix: < 1%
Windows NT 6.1: < 1%

And once again: I've failed to keep up with exactly which countries have viewed me.
Seriously guys. One year this will work out in my favor with no computer glitches to erase data.

But I do recognize that you all are viewing me from all over the world. So thank you so much for that!! :D

In any case.
The countries that have viewed me the most are:
United States -24,520 views
Russia -7,585 views
Germany -1,621 views
Ukraine -605 views
France -561 views
Portugal -469 views
India -406 views
United Kingdom -396 views
Latvia -382 views
Poland -362 views

Thank you all for reading my blog. :D
It brings me great happiness to know out there somewhere, people are reading. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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