Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tingling Toe

So you know how my brother got married like...a week ago right?

It truly isn't a great idea to wear heels all day to such things.
Because since that night.

I've had something odd happening with my right foot.

Where I really just noticed it going up and down stairs....
But whenever I step on the ball of my foot in the 'right' way.
Then there is a tingling zing that goes up the toe next to the big toe.

Where it's kinda tingly and such.
It doesn't really hurt at all.
It's just an annoying zing.
That just feels uncomfortable.

All signs point to it being a pinched nerve or something.
Which, who knows how to fix that....
At least it's not like my toe is numb or anything.
It's feels like...almost like you have a hair wrapped around it, but there's no hair.

Thankfully I don't think it's getting worse. Hopefully it's getting better.

But all I know is....
It wasn't a good idea to wear those same heels to church today. lol.
I didn't think it would be so bad since it would be like...maybe 20 minutes of standing the rest sitting?
But I didn't account for the walking.
As it was a new place so who knew how much I'd actually be walking....

But yah.
Talk about constant zinging in those heels.
I was super glad to get home lol.

Note to self.
Avoid them next time I should probably wear them.
I can go for flats that day instead....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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