Saturday, February 11, 2017

A New Saturday Shift

I guess I should have expected it.
For the managers to get smart once more.
When it comes to scheduling people for shifts.
Particularly for scheduling me for my shifts.

The last time I had a major scheduling shift, was basically around this time last year.
When they decided (or the District Manager decided? Some high and mighty person with power decided.) that they needed me to work Saturdays....sadly getting rid of my weekends off that I'd been enjoying. Y_Y

As there was some policy or ideology somewhere that came to light, that perhaps the Lead of the Department. (Me) Should be working on the busiest day of the week.

Not my favorite thing.
As Weekend shifts means that there isn't as much work to do.
It's more focused on customer service and helping out people, than doing any cleaning or maintenance, or things like that.

And while I can be a people person.
I can't be a people person for long without needing a break.
And Saturday shifts can be....hectic.
Last weekend involved basically 4 straight hours of people talk. Which left me exhausted.

*shakes head*
In any case.

Saturday shifts aren't my favorite thing.
But at least I still had morning shifts, because I work best, and I like working mornings.
Because at least I get a couple of hours or so of no customers to interact with in the mornings.

Like I said at the beginning.
The Manager's have gotten smart.

Or at least. The District Manager nudged them into this direction.
As she stated that she wanted our 'best' workers working during the 'busiest' time of the 'busiest' day.

Aka Saturday.
Aka. Saturday Afternoons.

And guess who one of the 'best' workers in the store is?
The one who's been around the longest.
With the most knowledge?

That would be me.

>.< Fooey. lol.

So it looks like.
For me.
For the next forseeable future.
I'll no longer be working morning shifts on Saturday.
But instead the closing ones.

It's a great 'excuse' for me to 'check in' with the closers of my department and 'ensure' that they're doing the closing correctly.
*rolls eyes*
Honestly, it would be better done if they scheduled me an evening weekday shift. As the closers are in charge of more things during the weekdays. The weekends are basically a free pass for them with the extra tasks already done for the week.
But I get that they want me to work longer with the closing workers than to say "Hi! Bye! As they come on shift and I come off shift."

*shakes head*
Yah, I can see the logic behind it all.
I saw it long ago. lol.
I know where I would be 'best' at in the store.

But that doesn't mean I want to be working at that 'best' time lol.

Like I said.
I love the morning shifts because I have a few hours without customers.

Midday/Evening shifts....
No such luck.

It's basically 8 hours of constant talking and interacting with people.

Which... I can do.
If I have enough energy to do it.
I just don't like doing it.
Forcibly being social for hours on end is exhausting. Particularly when you have to be happy/smiley for hours on end since you have to be 'helpful' to customers.


I can get that it makes sense that I should be there Saturday evenings. Starting at the lunch rush and hanging out til nearly closing so I can hit the dinner rush customers as well.

To give out my knowledge, and help customers quickly and such.

I see the logic.
lol I just wish that the managers hadn't.

In any case.
It looks like I'll have to resign myself to one evening shift a week.
Though *fingers crossed* That I won't have to work every Saturday evening.
Because honestly...that's just torture there.

But if anything...
It makes me laugh to know.
That they should have scheduled me a morning shift today.
Because work was at it's busiest before I came in. With customers in the store right at opening, and my poor coworker having to get a manager to help back her up because she was the only one in the department until I came in. (A typical tactic)
But then it slowed down once I showed up.

*shakes head* Silly Managers.
Eventually they'll rerealize that morning shifts are best for me and the store in general. ;) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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