Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Offer

Sometimes I wonder if I'm too quick to shoot down new things.

Like...things that would take me out of my comfort zone. Things that would be considered crazy in general and something that only young wild people would probably end up doing in a crazy romance movie.

*shakes head*

I suppose I should explain myself.

So, at work, I have a regular customer that comes in, who I've kinda come to think of as an Uncle.
He tends to worry about my welfare and drops by randomly to check in on me. lol.

But also, he's trying to convince me to come work for him in the hypothetical future.
Because he owns like 20 birds. I think all of them in the parrot family.
And he's really good at taking super excellent care of them. Like deep cleans their cages every single day sort of care. Takes them to the vet at the first sign of trouble kind of care.

And in his hypothetical future. Once he's bought a house and created a bird sanctuary in a giant room with a concrete floor (so it would be easy to clean) with large bird cages for all his birds (larger, his cages are already plenty big from what I gather)
Then he would hire me to come work for him full time.
Where I would basically spend each day helping him care for the birds.
lol. And he'd pay me well for it.

The only problem?
Birds....are like my least favorite animal to work with.
I like them well enough, don't get me wrong.
They're just not my type of pet.

And I suppose when it came down to it, I could be just fine working for him...
Only I really like my current job.
And despite what I may say. I do enjoy being able to meet different people and socialize.
Working for him...would mean isolation. After all it would be at his house, with his birds.
And I'd miss the interaction part that comes with the animals.

And me being me.
I do, for the most part, like talking to people. Getting to know them, learning little tidbits about them and their pets. Helping them to come to a solution to their problems. Answering their questions.

I may complain about it on occasion. But I do like socializing with people.

Which is part of the reason why I haven't seriously considered his offer.
-The other parts being that they're birds and that this is still a hypothetical offer.

The other day.
He came in again.

With a completely different offer.

As he's now decided that he wants to get out of the state. Move to California where there's this nice vineyard for sale. Where the house is huge. And he'd have plenty of space for his birds and such.

He wants me to come work for him there.
*shakes head*

It's amusing because I was like. ()_() "But...I have a fish tank here! You know I just set it up!"
-As he's taken to asking after my 125 gallon tank....cus that's all I really talk about with people recently.
I mean it's an easier obsession for people to understand than my Detective Conan obsession. lol.

Back on topic.
He was like:
"Oh! That's simple! I'll bring you to California and work you for two weeks. And then for a week I'll fly you back here! It will be perfect. I'll even pay you $1,000 a week for it."


I know.
The crazy adventurous people are probably like.

I mean, what better deal could you get than making $1,000 a week. And getting a week vacation every third week? It's like a crazy good deal. Even 'better' is the fact that it's in Cali. Where it's like permanently what? 76 degrees all the year around?
(I don't get to Northern Cali often....so I really don't remember. But it's Cali. The weather's basically always nice.)

Its an easy get rich quick sort of scheme I suppose.
And tells you how desperately he wants me to come work for him. lol.

But I told him no.

Again for one...because this is all hypothetical still. It's not like he's gone and bought the vineyard and is moving out as soon as the snow melts here.

But I've also told him No for other reasons.
I don't know anyone in Cali.
Okay, that's a lie. I have high school friends who now live in the southern part of cali.
But I would be in the northern part if I went.
I would basically be isolating myself there. And me, being the family oriented sort of person I am...it would stress me out to have family states away from me.
If something goes wrong....there's no easy way for them to reach me quickly without spending $$$$$$ to get to me.

I would be leaving my mountains behind, my snow, the cold.
All aspects that I love.
Love to everyone's confusion lol. Who likes cold and snow?
*raises hands* Me.

I hate it when it gets too hot.
I hate it when I don't see mountains.
It's like...*shudders* Oh, I don't know if I could be happy there in the sun and warmth even if the Redwood trees and ocean are super cool. ;)

There are other reasons to not want to leave as well.

Mostly the "That's totally crazy." sort of reason.
If I was to have a 'let me go completely crazy and go on an adventure!" moment

It would be me disappearing all by myself into red rock country to go find myself some new arches I've never seen before. lol.
That's my type of adventure.

Say "Sarnic! We're going down to Arches for a day trip!"
I'd be like "Sweet! Let's Go!"
(provided that I didn't have work right at that moment....I am too responsible for my own good so I would ensure I wouldn't be missing work before agreeing.)

But packing up to move to Cali?
Only getting to see my fish tank every third week?
Leaving my roomies to take care of a tank that I said I would be in charge of?

Not...quite what I want to do right now.

Perhaps I've missed yet another opportunity to grow and gain new perspectives and get out of my comfort zone.


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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