Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Peaked Sensitivity

Energy is a crazy thing.
Especially when you can sense the energy coming off of other people.

Sometimes it's great energy and it totally lifts your spirits and gives you a boost in your own energy levels.
But other's not as great of energy and you find yourself struggling against the force of someone's energy or personality. 

It seems like I'm heading into a more sensitive to energy zone.
As I've been rather...aware...or more aware of people's energies the past day or so. 

Like I had a coworker teasingly flick their fingers at me saying "I blame you" 
-A different coworker had split water, and I happened to be standing nearby when this coworker came by and saw it.-

and as they were flicking their fingers, I could literally fill the energy coming at me. 
And not in a good way.


In any case.
With me being more sensitive, I'm pretty sure that means that I'm basically 'running ragged.'

As usually when I'm feeling drained or stressed or a combination of both of those and other things,
I get more sensitive.
Because I don't have coping abilities up as high.

And this week definitely has been on the more stressful side with the work schedule being all messed up causing me to be either working alone in my dept, or us to not really have cashiers scheduled, or having me having to run around the entire store helping people because there's no one else available or like all three.. *exhales* 
It gets exhausting.
And I get exhausted.
Low on energy.
Because I'm having to expend more energy than I should be in order to get everything done.
Which means that I have a lower tolerance for being near other people and their varying energies. 

Thankfully, I have a break from work coming up...because I don't know how much more of this I can handle while I'm in this more 'sensitive to energy peak' 

Guess we'll see. :) 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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