Friday, August 25, 2017

Golden Fixation

It's always fun to see the odd paths my mind sometimes goes down.
Especially when I'm recovering from a Nuclear headache.
You of those bad migraine/headache things that feels like a red hot poker is being drilled in your head but the edge is dull? 

I'm always a, I suppose is the word after a headache.
Mostly because these nuclear ones have my brain running in circles more than it already does.

So thinking isn't always the best afterwards lol. It's harder for me to piece together things or to coherently explain things. 

I guess the possibility for miscommunication is higher because I'm not as creative in my thinking....

*shakes head*
In any case.

Today I had work.
Which is always 'fun' to be at when I'm recovering from one of these mind meltdowns.
Since I kinda need to be social and happy and smiley to customers....which is totally draining.

But today at work.
I was done with my tasks early.
And I was looking for something to do. 

I had just finished pre-bagging crickets for customers to come and grab so I wouldn't be called to the podium every two minutes.
And was looking for something else to do.

When my 'recovering from meltdown' mind had the 'brilliant' idea that I could:
Pre-bag some Goldfish for customers!!

Bad brain. lol

Don't worry I quickly discarded the thought as soon as it appeared.
Because I could recognized, even in my drained state how that would be a bad idea. lol

Can you imagine just random bags of goldfish of different numbers sitting out all day? 
That would not bode well at all.
Not at all.
crickets at least can survive a bit longer. 

*shakes head*
Of course,
Since my brain likes to fixate on things when it's in 'headache recovery' stage.
I couldn't stop thinking about pre-bagging goldfish.
Even though I knew how bad of an idea it was. *exhales*

I was trying to figure out how I could make it work.
How could one prebag fish? 

Especially since customers want anywhere from 1 to 200 goldfish at one time. 
Especially when you can't really predict which customers will come in which days needing which amounts of goldfish.

Still my head played with the idea for a bit lol. 
But no real easy solution came to mind. *shrugs*

Definitely interesting what my mind fixates on lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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