Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Tidbit of History

There's an amazing thing about history.
It's that every single person on this planet has one.
A history.
They have a past. They've done things. They've seen things others haven't seen. Know things others don't know. Been to places and events others haven't been to. 

It's kinda crazy to think about really.
How everyone has a history.
Yet, only a few of us ever make it into the history books.
Only a few of us become known well enough that many will know their names. 

And it's interesting to many stories could be told that haven't been told.
How many little tidbits of history we never hear about, 
Because hardly anyone remembers them, or learns about them unless they go searching for it.

Tonight, was one of those moments where I got to learn a little bit of history behind a person. Behind events that I already had learned in school.
But with details I hadn't known before.

I was able to go to a lecture given by the Step-Sister of Anne Frank, Eva Schloss tonight. 
A survivor of the holocaust. 
Someone who'd known Anne Frank.
Someone who'd experienced the camps personally.
One who had had a history, that isn't widely known to many people. 

It was fascinating to hear the little details.
Hear that soldiers would keep the prisoners updated about the war's progress, but that they wouldn't tell the captives where they were going. 
Learn that on all the Jews visas the girls had to be referred to as Sarah, the guys to Ishmael.
To hear that Eva Schloss's family were betrayed by a nurse who pretended to be working for the resistance, but was in fact working for the Nazis.

It's crazy those details of history.
That little bit of information that not many people know about because they didn't experience it personally.

It has me craving a bit more. To learn more of what most people don't know. Because I want to know it. I want to know people's histories.
Especially the ones not oft mentioned in classroom history books.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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